
  1. 二是利用材料培养学生提炼主题的兴趣。

    The second is touse material to cultivate students ' interest in refining theme .

  2. 现代写作理论对主题的研究止于认识主题和提炼主题,缺失了表达主题这一重要内容。

    The study on theme by modern writing theory includes only the understanding and the refinement of theme , but lacks or loses the important part of expression of theme .

  3. 选取蕴涵丰富意象的词语,根据内在节奏创造诗体形式,通过象似性联想提炼主题相关意象,并按照逻辑规律构筑有序化意象结构。

    It is advisable to select words with rich images , choose verse forms according to the inner rhythm , generate thematic images through iconic associations and build orderly aesthetic structures with logic .

  4. 新闻写作应借鉴散文这种炼意的笔法,在提炼新闻主题上追求新与深,需要有散文眼式的新闻核。

    News writing should draw on the idea-refining techniques of prose writing . It needs the " news core " like the golden touches of prose works in seeking novelty and subtlety in refining news topics .

  5. 因此,依据体验化设计的基础理论,提炼体验主题,营造体验氛围,设计体验项目,是提升文化旅游景区竞争力的重要举措,也是我国文化旅游持续发展的重要战略。

    So it is an important measure to improve the competitive ability for cultural scenic areas and also an important strategy for the sustainable development of culture tour to summarize experiencing theme , create experience atmosphere , design experiencing items on the basis of experiencing design .

  6. 战略管理理论有一种研究传统:从纷繁复杂的企业战略问题中归纳、提炼出基本主题和核心概念,组合成清晰、简明的分析框架和理论体系。

    One research tradition of strategic management theory is to induce or abstract core concepts from many complex questions involved in corporate strategy in practice and therefore constructs an analysis framework that is brief and clear .

  7. 论文的第五部分主要是从营销数据仓库的维度分入手,在OLAP的基础上提炼出了相关主题和过程的星形模式图。

    Five part of thesis to is it spend from marketing data warehouse start with to link mainly , have refined out the relevant theme and star mode picture of the course on the basis of OLAP .

  8. 通讯要求非常明确主题,提炼好通讯的主题,通常是通讯成功的关键。

    The communication request very explicit subject , refines the good communication the subject , usually is the communication successful key .