
  1. 买卖双方解除合同的一种方式是各自出售自己那一半合同。

    One way for buyers and sellers to get out of these contracts is to sell their respective halves of the contract .

  2. 劳动关系双方解除劳动关系后,说明劳动合同期限已经终止,《劳动法》第20条规定劳动合同期限是双方自愿约定的,而申诉期限是法定的。

    Working relationship both sides removes after labor concerns , explain labor contract deadline has been stopped ," labor law " deadline of contract of labor of the20th regulation is bilateral and voluntary agreement , and appeal deadline is legal .

  3. 你我双方均可解除此协议,但需提前两个月通知。

    Either party can discontinue this Agreement on two month 's notice .

  4. 别居又称分居,是指夫妻双方不解除婚姻关系但解除同居义务的法律制度。

    Separation means the Marriage and family system of the husband and wife are keeping the relationship as a couple , but cease the cohabitation obligations .

  5. 尽管西奈是埃及的领土,半岛仍由国际军队管制,并受到美国空军的监视,来保证双方落实解除武装的承诺。

    The peninsula is patrolled by an international force and monitored by America from the air , to ensure that both sides keep their armies out , even though Sinai is sovereign Egyptian soil .

  6. 当双方婚约解除时往往就会因先前的财产往来和流转带来的财产归属与返还等分歧发生婚约财产争议。

    When the bilateral engagement relieves because often could the formerly property intercourse and pasts the property ownership which brought with to return and so on the differences to have the engagement property dispute .

  7. 而且,担保公司的企业客户树立起良好信誉之时即相关风险降低之时也就是双方关系解除之日。

    Moreover , the moment the client firm of the guarantor becomes creditworthy in its own right , it will end the relationship with the Guarantor at just the point when the risk surrounding it dwindles .

  8. 他们还称,今年夏天双方可能就会解除合作关系。

    They said that the partnership could be unwound by this summer .

  9. 该补偿请求权不影响配偶双方在婚姻解除时对其他法律条款的适用。

    This compensation should not affect the application of other articles when divorce .

  10. 尽管新郎和新娘没见过面,订亲是包办的,除非双方家庭同意解除婚约。

    Although the bride and groom probably had not met yet , betrothal was considered binding unless both families agreed to annul the contract .

  11. 虽然不清楚佤孟是否相信缅军的意图,但双方最终还是解除了围困。

    While it wasn 't clear if the Wa and Mongla were convinced about the Burma Army 's intentions , both had finally decided to call off the siege , said the source .

  12. 双方协商一致解除劳动合同,但是由用人单位提出解除动议的,用人单位支付经济补偿。

    The employee can get the compensation in the condition of the employer and the employee come to agreement to relieve the labor contract between them and the motion was raised by the employer .

  13. 而在协议离婚过程中,夫妻双方就自愿解除婚姻关系,子女抚养以及共同财产的分割等相关问题做出适当处理而达成一致的书面协议,即诉前离婚协议是协议离婚制度的核心要件。

    During the agreement of divorce process , both sides of the couple need to make a proper treatment and agreed written agreement of ending the marriage , upbringing and property segmentation . The divorce agreement before lawsuit is the core element in the divorces system .

  14. 它是在协议离婚过程中,夫妻双方就自愿解除婚姻关系及如何处理子女抚养以及共同财产的分割等相关问题所达成的书面协议。

    It is in the process of divorce by agreement , both husband and wife on the voluntary dissolution of the marriage relationship and how to deal with the related issues of child support , as well as the segmentation of the common property to reach a written agreement .

  15. 双方均不得无故解除合同。

    Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason .

  16. 兹经双方同意,决定解除合伙关系,特此通告。

    We advise you that we have by mutual agreement decided to dissolve partnership .

  17. 合同解除是当条件具备时,通过当事人双方或单方的解除行为,使有效合同关系消灭。

    Dissolution of contract means the termination of a valid contract by one or both parties under necessary conditions .

  18. 双方协商变更或者解除合同的,应当订立书面协议。

    Both sides talks things over to change or remove of the contract , ought to conclude written agreement .

  19. 无固定期限劳动合同并不等于永久存续的劳动合同,在符合法定条件的情况下,劳动关系双方都有权解除。

    The non-fixed-term labor contract is an important form in labor contracts and it is of great significance in stablizing labor relationship and protecting laborers legal rights .

  20. 发票人或背书人不获通知此事,其责任即告解除:兹经双方同意,决定解除合伙关系,特此通告。

    Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged ; We advise you that we have by mutual agreement decide to dissolve partnership .

  21. 男女青年对于订婚与否享有绝对的自由权,在婚约成立后,订婚双方对婚约的解除也享有绝对的自由权,并不需要附加任何条件。

    The young men and women of engagement enjoy absolute freedom and right in the marriage . The two sides also enjoy the right and absolute freedom to terminate engagement of marriage without any strings attached .

  22. 按其对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。

    Both parties shall , through consultations , decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt part of the obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract .