
ɡōnɡ zī ɡǎi ɡé
  • wage reform;reform of the wage system
  1. TJ药物研究院工资改革问题研究

    Study on the Wage Reform of TJ Medicament Academy

  2. 社会主义商品生产、劳动价格和工资改革

    On Socialist Commodity Production , Labour Price and Wage Reform

  3. 论继承契约工资改革刍议

    Contract of succession A Discussion on the Reform of Wage

  4. 关于深圳工资改革的几个问题

    Some issues Concerning Reform of Wage System in Shenzhen

  5. 企业工资改革方案评述

    Review of the Proposed programs for Wage Scale Reforms

  6. 美国中小学教师绩效工资改革及其对我国的启示

    Inspiration of Merit Pay Reform in American Public Schools

  7. 住房分配货币化与高校工资改革

    Monetary Allotting Dwelling and the Reform of Wage System at Institutes of Higher Learning

  8. 事业单位工资改革中的最大值套改计算法

    The computing method of taking the maximum in the wage system reform in the Institutes

  9. 工资改革刍议

    A Discussion on the Reform of Wage

  10. 转型期公共部门绩效工资改革的合约障碍与路径选择

    Contractual Barriers to Performance Pay Reform in the Public Sector and the Corresponding Solutions during the Transition Period

  11. 该部分首先介绍了此次调查研究的样本,然后对湖北省公务员工资改革的成效进行了评价。

    This part introduces the swatch in the research , then evaluates the effect of civil servant pay reformation in Hubei province .

  12. 公立医院推进绩效工资改革,面临认识不够、考核指标分层难等现实问题。

    The Public hospital advancement achievements wage reform , is insufficient faced with the understanding , inspection target lamination difficult and so on realistic question .

  13. 本系统以经过多家单位使用,用户反映良好,能够适应油田工资改革中的各项要求。

    The system has been used by a lot of units . The users response wonderful . It is suitable for the needs of the oilfield salary reform .

  14. 近年,乡村与城市发展差距的明显扩大,以及教师工资改革等因素,对民族地区乡村教师的生存状态产生了巨大的影响。

    The growing gap between urban development and rural development and the reform in teachers'salary have produced important influence on living conditions of rural teachers in ethnic regions .

  15. 目前,教师绩效工资改革在美国一些地区的公立学校中正深入开展,并形成了一些典型的模式。

    At present , teacher merit pay reform is carried out in public schools in some areas of America , and it forms a number of typical models .

  16. 当前进行的事业单位绩效工资改革在全国已逐步展开,作为其中重要组成部分的高等学校也在同步进行。

    The current reformation of merit pay in institutions is gradually developing in China , of which the institution of higher education as the important component is also simultaneously in progress .

  17. 教师工作绩效评价是教师工资改革中的一项重要内容,对进一步维护教师利益,稳定教师队伍,激发教师工作积极性有着重要的作用。

    Teachers ' performance evaluation is an important wage reform in the content , which further safeguards the interests of teachers , stable teaching forces , to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers .

  18. 但在第四次工资改革后,如何在新形势以及新的政策指导下进行高校教师的薪酬改革仍未有统一模式。

    However , after the fourth salary reformation , there is still not a unified pattern on how to process the high school teacher salary reformation in the new situation and new policy .

  19. 教育系统普遍对绩效工资改革持欢迎态度,但因为具体实践操作难度较大,因此争议颇多,各地进展状况也不一致。

    The educational system holds welcoming attitudes towards the reform of performance related salary . However , due to the difficulty of practical management , disputes emerged and paces in different places differed .

  20. 2009年9月国务院常务会议要求高校等事业单位全面实行绩效工资改革,这从国家层面上要求高校进一步推进绩效评价。

    The state council standing committee meeting demanded that public institutions such as universities should carry out performance related pay ( PRP ) reforms in September in 2009 , which pushes performance evaluation further .

  21. 这次研究不仅为今后的义务教育绩效工资改革提供参考与借鉴,而且也丰富和完善了教师绩效工资制度的研究。

    The study is not only to provide reference and experience for the future reform of performance-based pay in compulsory education , but also to enrich and improve the study on teacher performance-based pay system .

  22. 教师绩效工资改革&经推出,便引来全社会的关注,逐渐成为大家议论的话题。教师薪酬制度的改革一定会对教师的心理产生影响。

    Upon introduction of the performance Salary reform , everybody talk about that and the society pay much attention on it . Apart from this , teacher pay system will certainly has an impact on teachers ' psychological .

  23. 妥善处理工资改革带来的新情况、新问题,以实现新旧基本工资制度的平稳过渡,确保改革的稳定进行。

    In order to realize the smooth transition between new basic wage system and the old one , and guarantee the stability during the reform , we must deal carefully with the new things and new problems in the salary revision .

  24. 本文以一个地级市的公务员工资改革作为实例进行研究,分析这次公务员工资制度改革在公平性和激励机制方面所取得的进展,以及所带来的公务员内部利益分配格局的调整。

    In this paper , a prefecture-level city civil servants wage reformation would be introduced as an example to analyze the progress achieved in terms of fairness and incentive , and the adjustment of internal benefits distribution structure brought by the reformation .

  25. 对于发达国家高校从集权和分权两种类型出发,总结它们在教师薪酬结构、市场化水平、绩效工资改革、考核制度以及多元化福利待遇方面的成果和发展趋势。

    For developed countries , universities from the two types of centralization and decentralization proceed to sum up their teachers , salary structure , market level , performance pay reform , diversification of welfare benefits system and the evaluation results and trends .

  26. 其中最常提及的3项发展是:最近的劳动工资改革,提高了最低工资标准;“进口”大宗商品通胀的发作;国际价格接轨,这想必会将中国产品的价格提高至全球水准。

    Three such developments are cited most frequently : recent labour reforms that have boosted minimum wages , an outbreak of " imported " commodity inflation , and international price equalisation that is presumed to bring the quotes of Chinese products up to world standards .

  27. 这一理论对我国加入WTO后,我国企业特别是国有企业的工资制度改革及激励机制的建设具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The theory will be of significance to the reform of wage system and building of the incentive mechanism of our country 's enterprises especially national enterprises after joining WTO .

  28. 关于地勘行业工资体制改革问题的探讨

    On Reform of the wage system of the geological prospecting trade

  29. 北京市阳光工资制度改革的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Sunshine Wage System Reform of Beijing

  30. 浅谈国有企业工资制度改革的必要性

    The necessity of the reform of state owned enterprises ' salary system