
  • 网络industrial solvent;Solvent
  1. 工业溶剂及其应用

    Industrial solvents and their applications industry

  2. 异丙醚(IPE)是一种重要的工业溶剂和有机原料,它主要应用于医药、烟草、环保和化工等行业。

    Isopropyl ether is an important industrial solvent and organic feedstock .

  3. 工业溶剂三氯乙烯(TCE)是地下水污染物中发现的最普遍的氯代化合物。

    The industrial solvent trichloroethylene ( TCE ) is among the most ubiquitous chlorinated compounds found in groundwater contamination .

  4. N,N-二甲基甲酰胺简称DMF,是一种优良的工业溶剂和有机合成材料,其广泛应用于制革、化工、医药、农药等各个生产行业。

    N , N-dimethylformamide ( DMF ) is an excellent solvent and organic synthesis material for industry , and it is widely used in industries like leather , chemical , pharmaceutical and pesticide as well .

  5. 高级工业溶剂&乙二醇单烷基醚羧酸酯

    High performance industrial solvent & ethylene glycol monoalkyl ether carboxylates

  6. 乙酸乙酯是重要的工业溶剂,直接酯化法制得的乙酸乙酯粗产品中含有乙醇和水,这三者会形成各种两元或三元共沸物。

    Ethyl acetate is an important industrial solvent and can be produced via direct etherification . The resultant crude product containing ethanol and water will form ternary azeotropes .

  7. 自那以后,中国在美国召回了多种产品,包括含有铅涂料的玩具、缺少重要安全性能的轮胎,以及含有工业溶剂的牙膏。

    Since then Chinese-made product recalls in the US have included toys containing lead paint , tires missing an important safety feature and toothpaste containing an industrial solvent .

  8. 异丙醇是一种重要的有机原料和工业溶剂,广泛地应用于医药、化工合成、油墨等工业了领域。

    Isopropyl alcohol is an important intermediate for composing organism and industrial solvent . It is widely used in medicine , printing ink , chemical industrial combination and so on .

  9. 健康倡导者表示,中国食品和药物安全丑闻的历史让他们深感担忧。比如,制造商在制造牙膏和止咳药的时候,会用工业溶剂二甘醇代替甜味剂甘油。

    Health advocates say they are troubled by a history of food and drug safety scandals in China , such as when manufacturers substituted diethylene glycol , an industrial solvent , for the sweetener glycerin when making toothpastes and cough medicine .

  10. 以C9馏分油为原料,开发研制出的两段串联加氢精制工艺,可用于生产油漆工业用溶剂油,使C9资源得以更合理的利用。

    Two sections in series of hydrofining process was researched and developed with C 9 distillate oil as raw material , which can be used to produce solvent oil utilized for painting industry , and make C 9 resource utilization more rational .

  11. 介绍了一种以废聚苯乙烯泡沫和工业回收溶剂为主要原料生产高效多功能建筑胶粘剂的万法,阐述了该胶的性能及其用途。

    Production of high range multi-functional building adhesive made of waste foamed polystyrene and industrially recycled solvent as main raw materials is introduced . Properties of the adhesive and its usage are described .

  12. 采用高效规整填料塔技术和新的工艺流程,对原采用抽余油生产工业己烷溶剂油、6溶剂油和120溶剂油的生产装置进行了改造。

    Using the high efficient packed column technology , a solvent separation system by which the commercial hexane , 6 # and 120 # solvent were separated from the raffinate oil was revamped with a new separation system and a reaction unit .

  13. 用途:主要用于医药工业,用作溶剂,烷化、聚合及其他反应的催化剂等。

    Usage : mainly being solvent in medical industry or catalyst for alkylation , polymerization or other chemical reaction .

  14. 综述了国际上典型工业场地有机溶剂污染物在地下水中的自然衰减机制及修复技术的研究现状和发展趋势。

    This paper reviews natural attenuation mechanisms , and the current status and future trend of groundwater remediation for industrially contaminated sites by chlorinated solvents .

  15. 根据生产需要,选用120号溶剂油和工业甲苯为混合溶剂组份。

    120 solvent oil and industrial toluene are chosen as the components of the solvent .

  16. 离子液体&未来化学工业中的绿色溶剂

    Ionic Liquid-green Solvent in Future Chemical Industry

  17. 将溶剂分类后,我们引入多目标决策理论来评价每种溶剂的分离性能,筛选有工业应用前景的溶剂。

    Then a multiple-objective decision-making theory is introduced to estimate the separating capability of every solvent .

  18. 某特区工业企业使用有机溶剂情况调查

    Investigation on status of organic solvent application in industrial enterprises located in a certain special economic zone of China

  19. 化学工业使用的有机溶剂很多易挥发、易燃、有毒,对环境有害。

    Many organic solvents used in chemical industry are volatile , flammable , poisonous , and harmful to the environment .

  20. 由于工业成本限制了溶剂分子内功能基团的种类数,分类枚举法可以避免组合爆炸。

    As the industrial cost limits the number of the kinds of function groups in the mol - ecule of the solvent , the combinatorial explosion can be avoided .

  21. 近年来,随着化工工业的飞速发展,工业有机溶剂在生产上被大量使用,溶剂中的芳香烃类化合物也充斥在各生产场所。

    In recent years , with the rapid spread of Chemical Industry , industrial solvent has been used in large amounts . The air in workplace is full of aromatic hydrocarbon , which emit from solvent .