
dǎng bào
  • party newspaper;organ of the party
党报 [dǎng bào]
  • [party newspaper] 政党的机关报,是宣传政党的纲领、路线和政策的工具。在我国特指中国共产党各级组织的机关报

党报[dǎng bào]
  1. 都市党报证券新闻的问题和对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Security News in City Party Newspaper

  2. 党报保持主流媒体地位的思考

    Study on the Position of Mainstream Media of the Party Newspaper

  3. 党报新闻报道应多提倡人文关怀

    News Reports of the Party Newspaper Should Advocate More Humane Care

  4. 马克思恩格斯党报思想的演进

    Evolution of Marx and Engles ' Thoughts Concerning the Party Organ

  5. 浅谈地市级党报同题新闻报道的创新求异

    Different Reports on the Same Topic in Local Newspaper of CPC

  6. 它和别的党报有些什么不同呢?

    In what way will it differ from other party publications ?

  7. 这些报纸也是我国党报的重要组成部分。

    These newspapers are also our country party newspaper important components .

  8. 区域党报市场营销整合策略研究

    A Research on the Integrative Marketing Strategy of Regional Part Organs

  9. 现在,这种观点已经扩散到党报的编辑中。

    This view has spread to editors in the official media .

  10. 马克思主义党报思想在中国本土化过程中有了很大的发展。

    Marxism party paper has great development in localization in China .

  11. 基层党报严肃性的时代特征

    Age Features of Seriousness of Party Paper at Grass-Roots Levels

  12. 党报改革发展新探

    A New Survey of the Reform on the Party Papers

  13. 入世后中国党报改革的几点思考

    Reflections on the Reform of the Party Newspaper After China Enters WTO

  14. 谈党报指导性与可读性的结合

    On the Combination Between Guide and Readability of Party Organ

  15. 市场背景下制约党报新闻生产的三重逻辑

    Three logics of Party News production in the Market Background

  16. 但是,党报的这一入世之举并非华丽转身。

    However , the initiative is not a magnificent turn .

  17. 党报的主流媒体定位及其思考

    The Mainstream Medium Positioning of the Party Newspaper and Reflection

  18. 地市党报发展地域性的再延伸:网络

    The Development of Part Organs of Municipality in Re-extending Regions : Networks

  19. 论党报和大众化报纸社论的写作

    The Discussing of Social Writing on the Party Organ and the Popular Paper

  20. 面对此种困境,党报改革势在必行。

    Facing this kind of difficult position , the party newspaper reforms imperative .

  21. 党报新闻如何做出高度

    How to Give High Quality to Newspaper of CCP

  22. 省级党报头版报道风格研究

    Reporting Style of the Provincial Party Newspaper in China

  23. 马克思恩格斯党报思想具有重大的理论意义。

    Marx and Engles ' thought about party organ had immense theoretical meanings .

  24. 广告收入已成为党报一条重要的经济命脉。

    Advertising income has already become an important economy vitals of party newspaper .

  25. 党报,也将在这种态势中得到进一步的发展;

    And Party newspapers also will obtain the further development in this situation .

  26. 南京地方党报国内时政宣传研究

    A Study on the Freshly Political Affairs Reporting of Nanjing Local Party Organ

  27. 把增强核心竞争力作为提升党报集团公信力的首选战略

    Taking strengthening Core-competition Force as First Strategy of Party News Group Public Trust

  28. 关于党报广告经营现状与对策的研究

    The Study for the Actuality and Countermeasure of Advertising Management of Party Newspaper

  29. 党报必须转变观念,走改革发展之路;

    We must change our values and participate in the reform and development .

  30. 影响党报新闻宣传效果的因素分析

    An observation of the factors affecting the publicity effect of the Party 's newspapers