
zhù cè zhènɡ shū
  • certificate of registration;certificate of registry
  1. 按社团条例发出的注册证书或社团成立通知;

    Certificate of registration or notification of establishment of society under the Societies Ordinance ;

  2. 最要紧的是看店铺有没有注册证书,收据上有没有注册承办商的编号。

    The most important thing is to check if the LPG provider has a certificate of registration and if the registration number is shown on the invoice .

  3. CA的证书在故障转移服务器和代理创建和注册证书时被复制到其上。

    The CA 's certificates are copied to the failover servers and the agents when creating and registering their certificates .

  4. 获取ISO9000注册证书,已成为诸家渴望持续、良性发展的当务之急。

    Obtain the ISO9000 registration certificate , has become the benign development , to continue .

  5. 阐述了获得ISO9002国际质量体系注册证书后,不断提高质量体系有效性的重要性,并简要地回顾了一年来赣州有色冶金研究所在提高质量体系有效性方面的一些做法。

    The paper elaborate the importance of sustained enhancing the efficiency of quality system following gaining the certificate of ISO 9002 quality system , and review this year , s work of enhancing the efficiency of quality system by Ganzhou Nonferrous Metallurgy Research Institute .

  6. 签名中未包括有效的注册证书信息。

    Signature does not contain a valid counter signing certificate .

  7. 确认信用证,保兑信用证该项注册证书无需认证。

    Confirm letter of credit No authentication shall be required for this certificate .

  8. 您没有足够的权限来注册证书模板管理单元。

    You do not have sufficient rights to register the Certificate Templates snap-in .

  9. 按公司条例发出的公司注册证书;

    Certificate of incorporation under the companies ordinance ;

  10. 注册证书时列举标志。

    Enumerates the flags when registering a certificate .

  11. 医疗器械产品注册证书有效期四年。

    The term of validity for the registration certificate of medical devices is four years .

  12. 在注册证书时发生了下列错误。请查看应用程序事件日志以了解详细信息。

    The following errors occurred while enrolling certificates . See the Application event log for details .

  13. 此证书颁发机构的权限不允许当前用户注册证书。

    The permissions on this certification authority do not allow the current user to enroll for certificates .

  14. 按公司条例发出的公司注册证书;此外,《2002年公司(修订)条例草案》会对《公司条例》作出重要修订。

    In addition , the Companies ( Amendment ) Bill 2002 will make significant changes to the Companies Ordinance .

  15. 生产第二类医疗器械,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门审查批准,并发给产品生产注册证书。

    Class I medical devices shall be inspected , approved and issued a registration certificate by the drug regulatory agency of the government of the municipalities with districts .

  16. 工场产品符合出口食品检疫卫生要求,并取得了检疫卫生注册证书和进出口企业资格证书。

    The plant has already achieved the sanitary regulation on export product , and also successfully received the sanitary registered certificate and certificate of operation import and export business .

  17. 授予保护权后应颁发工业设计注册证书。该证书所有者享有在罗马尼亚境内进行开发的专有权。

    The title of protection shall be the certificate of registration of the industrial design , which shall confer on its owner an exclusive right of exploitation on the territoryof romania .

  18. 《网站名称注册证书》包括以下登记事项:网站名称序号、网站名称、网站所有者名称或姓名、域名等。

    Website Name Registration Certificate shall include the following registration particulars : the number of the website name , the website name , the Website owner 's name , the domain name .

  19. 医疗器械及其外包装上应当按照国务院药品监督管理部门的规定,标明产品注册证书编号。

    The registration number of a medical device shall be marked on the product itself and on the external package according to the provisions of the drug regulatory agency of the state council .

  20. registrysslcacert&TAM用户注册服务器证书

    Registry_ssl_cacert & certificate of TAM user registry server

  21. HTTP服务器所使用的SSL证书可以是自签名证书,而不是经过认证中心注册的证书。

    The SSL certificate used by the HTTP server may be a self-signed certificate rather than one registered with a certificate authority .

  22. 但现在好多职位都要求具有注册会计师证书。

    Now a lot of places are looking for a CPA .

  23. 《中华人民共和国海关出口监管仓库注册登记证书》有效期为3年。

    The period of valid of the Certificate shall be3 years .

  24. 您必须有一个注册代理证书以为另一用户提交一个申请。

    You must have an enrollment agent certificate to submit a request for another user .

  25. 有注册会计师证书的初级者,他们每个月至少能拿到2000元。

    For beginners with a CPA certificate , they can earn at least ¥ 2,000 a month .

  26. 如果没有注册内部证书或者注册的证书已损坏,则消息队列返回此错误。

    Message Queuing returns this error if no internal certificate is registered or the registered certificate is corrupted .

  27. 要注册此证书,您可能需要输入密码或个人识别码,或者插入智能卡。

    To enroll this certificate , you may need to enter your password or Pin or insert a smart card .

  28. 本文介绍了公钥基础设施的组成和各部分的功能,数字证书的概念、结构和存放方式,以及用户注册和证书的签发、查询、管理等。

    The paper introduces the constituents of the public key infrastructure with their functions and describes the digital certificate in terms of the concept , structure , location mode , as well as user registration and signing and issuing and inquiry of the certificates .

  29. 注册服务器的证书中的“公钥信息”未包括guid。

    The public key information in the certificate of the enrollment server does not include the guid .

  30. 但是要拿到注册会计师的证书太难了。

    But it is very hard to get certified for CPA .