
jiào yù xínɡ zhènɡ bù mén
  • administrative department for education
  1. 教育行政部门应当会同有关部门健全教职工从业禁止人员名单和查询机制。此外,意见稿还就人身安全、人格权益、受教育权等多项权益保护作了规定。

    Education authorities should work with other departments to improve a black list of those banned from being teachers and make the list more accessible .

  2. 县级以上地方各级人民政府教育行政部门主管本行政区域内的教育工作。

    The administrative departments of education under the people 's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the educational work in their respective administrative regions .

  3. 第七十六条违反国家有关规定招收学员的,由教育行政部门责令退回招收的学员,退还所收费用;

    Article 76 If anyone , in violation of the relevant regulations of the State , enrolls , he shall be ordered by the administrative department of education to send back such students or trainees and to return the fees thus collected ;

  4. 第八十条违反本法规定,颁发学位证书、学历证书或者其他学业证书的,由教育行政部门宣布证书无效,责令收回或者予以没收;

    Article 80 The relevant administrative department of education shall nullify the academic degree certificates , educational qualification certificates or other education certificates that are issued in violation of the provisions of this Law , and shall order their return or confiscation ;

  5. 教育行政部门绩效审计指标体系构建

    Research on Index System of Performance Audit of Educational Administrative Department

  6. 教育行政部门应积极监督,及时提供法律支援;

    Education service should supervise actively and provide legal support in time ;

  7. 中观方面:教育行政部门要加强教师职业道德建设。

    The medium education administration aspect : strengthening teachers ' professional ethic construction .

  8. 这里所说的教师聘任合同,是指教师在聘任中必须与学校或教育行政部门签订的合同。

    It is a contract signed between concerned teachers and education administrative departments .

  9. 多校区大学管理是我国教育行政部门和各学校普遍关心的问题,其关键和基础是组织结构设计。

    The key to the management of multi-campus universities in China is their organizational design .

  10. 教育行政部门对教师的考核工作进行指导、监督。

    The administrative departments of education shall guide and supervise the assessment work for teachers .

  11. 政府和教育行政部门要充分发挥政策制定和宏观调控职能。

    The government and the education administrative department should fully exert policy formulation and macro-control function .

  12. 通高等学校教学成果项目,向市教育行政部门申请。

    Of general education with teaching achievement projects shall apply to the municipal educational administrative departments .

  13. 课程文件是教育行政部门对课程的基本规范和要求,是管理和评价课程的基础。

    English curriculum documents are the basic standard that the educational government department makes for English curriculum .

  14. 而这归根结底是由于我国政府部门,尤其是教育行政部门对教育的相对垄断所造成的。

    As we known , the difference is due to the relative monopoly of our education administration .

  15. 第二,明确县级教育行政部门的职责,加强对师资的管理、调控和监督力度。

    Clear county educational administrative departments of the responsibility to strengthen teacher management , regulation and supervision .

  16. 如何建立和完善教育行政部门、培训机构和中小学校的教师培训的评价系统,探讨保证新课程教师培训质量的对策。

    The article discusses how to build assessment system of education administration and training organization and school .

  17. 地方各级政府和教育行政部门统筹协调,扎实推进农村义务教育各项工作。

    Governments and education authority at all local levels coordinated all efforts in improving rural compulsory education .

  18. 教育行政部门应在改革中行使领导和服务双重职能。

    The institutions of educational administration should conduct dual - function : leadership and service in the reform .

  19. 其中,省级教育行政部门在促进本省高教质量提升上担负重要的职责。

    The educational administration at provincial level has the important duty to improve the quality of higher education .

  20. 我国各级教育行政部门非常重视课程标准的实施质量,积极开展学生学习质量的评估及检测。

    Educational administrative departments emphasize the quality of curriculum implementation and actively carry out assessment testing the result .

  21. 第五部分指出当前我国地方教育行政部门在课程改革政策执行中存在的主要问题,并对这些问题进行了探讨,提出一些应对的策略,以期对地方教育行政部门执行课程政策有所帮助。

    It is hoped that the study be helpful to the implementation of curriculum policy of local educational authority .

  22. 中小学学校事故是令学校、教育行政部门和家长都深感头疼的问题。

    The accidents in schools are concerned greatly by schools , departments of education administration and also the parents .

  23. 从而探讨代课教师问题,希望能给教育行政部门、学校以对策和建议。

    Thus this inquiry into temporary teachers ' problems hopes to give education administration section , school strategies and suggestions .

  24. 保障青少年性教育的权利,需要政府和教育行政部门的进一步努力。

    As a result , guaranteeing the right of teen-age sex education needs farther effort of government and education service .

  25. 大学生自主学习能力已成为近年来国家教育行政部门主导的大学英语教学改革的一个热门话题。

    Learner autonomy has become a hot topic in the recent ELT reform initiated by the Chinese Ministry of Education .

  26. 教育行政部门、学校应当将道路交通安全教育纳入法制教育的内容。

    The administrative departments of education and the schools shall incorporate the education of road traffic safety into legal education .

  27. 省教育行政部门周三表示,学校有刺鼻的塑料轨道必须聘请专业人士进行测试。

    The provincial educational department said on Wednesday that schools with pungent plastic tracks must hire professionals to perform tests .

  28. 在实践中我们也看到品牌开发日益为学校及教育行政部门所重视。

    In practice , we also find that the brand developing is increasingly got much attention by schools and education departments .

  29. 论述了教育行政部门、教师培训机构及基层学校各自的管理实施策略。

    It elaborated the educational administration department , the teachers training organization and the basic unit school respective management implementation strategy .

  30. 造成这一现状的原因,来自政府、教育行政部门、学校、社会、家长等多个方面。

    The reasons for this situation are from Government , educational administration , school , society , parents and many other aspects .