
  • 网络Nave
  1. 在教堂中殿左边一根柱子里面有一个瓮,里面存放了肖邦的心脏,那是肖邦的姐姐鲁德维卡根据他的心愿而私运回故里的。

    Inside a pillar on the left-hand side of the nave is an urn containing Chopin 's heart which , according to his wishe was smuggled home by his elder sister , Ludwika .

  2. 教堂中殿高耸的天花板和镀金壁画令人震撼,不过藏在侧翼的修道院更是迷人(门票4欧元),安静的庭院中有漂亮的镶嵌地面、涓流喷泉以及四季常开的玫瑰花。

    The nave 's soaring ceilings and gilded frescoes are impressive , but hidden beyond one transept is an even finer feature : the cloister ( admission , 4 euros ) , a tranquil courtyard with beautiful mosaics , a trickling fountain and blooming roses for much of the year . 12 .

  3. 教堂中殿教堂的中心部分,从通向教堂正厅的门厅延伸到教堂内环线圣坛的高坛并且以小经作为侧翼。

    The central part of a church , extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles .

  4. 威斯敏斯特教堂长长的中殿。

    The long nave of Westminster abbey .

  5. 交叉教堂十字形教堂中教堂中殿和十字耳堂交叉的地方基于起点预测的十字-六边形-菱形运动估计算法

    The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church . Cross-hexagon-diamond motion estimation algorithm based on initial point predictive