
  1. 论课前教学检查功效的意义

    Discussing significance of effect on teaching check before class

  2. 教学检查语义对象模型到数据库设计的转换

    On converting a mode of teaching examination from semantic object model to database

  3. 教学检查语义对象数据模型的建立

    On building a semantic object model of teaching examination

  4. 教学检查是教学管理中一项重要的措施

    Teaching Inspection an Important Step in School Management

  5. 从中央电大1999年11月下旬开展的教学检查情况看,开放教育试点的进展基本上是健康有序的,但也存在着一些问题。

    Generally speaking , the Open Education Pilot Program is going on well , but there are also many problems .

  6. 我们通过教学检查及学生问卷调查等形式对其具体情况进行了分析,对推广双语教学有积极促进作用。

    We have carried out analysis of its concrete conditions through educational inspection and investigation by questionnaire , which serves to spur the progress of spreading bilingual education .

  7. 目前我国新建本科院校采用的评估方法有教学检查、学评教、教评教、组建教学督导团和自评。

    At present new undergraduate colleges mainly adopt such methods as teaching check , evaluating by students , evaluating by co-teachers , forming supervisor group and self - evaluation .

  8. 我国高校公共选修课由各高校教务处统一管理,负责公共选修课的审核、报名、教学检查等工作。

    Classes are taught by University of unified management of public elective in Universities in China , in charge of public elective courses , registration , review teaching inspection work .

  9. 本文根据考核的等级标准,结合期中教学检查、期末考核成绩,利用模糊聚类分析方法,对教师进行量化考核,其结果基本符合实际。

    On the basis of the level standards , this paper utilizes fuzzy classification method of analysis , In the light of mid-term teaching inspection and final term examine , to make quantitative evaluation and the Results basically conform to the reality .

  10. 通过时宁波大学教学检查实践的研究,探索教学检查对提高教学质量的重要作用,并对如何科学地使用教学检查这一手段提出几点建议。

    With a research in the teaching supervision practiced by Ningbo University , this article analyses the important role that teaching inspection plays in improving teaching quality , and in addition to that . it puts forwards several ways for the efficient practice of teaching inspection .

  11. 篮球教学中检查与纠正错误方法探讨

    Ways on Checking Up and Correcting Mistaken Movements in Basketball Teaching

  12. 对体育教学的检查力度不够;

    There has been less inspection into PE teaching .

  13. 体育形体舞蹈教学中检查和纠正错误动作的方法

    The Method Checked and Corrected the Wrong Movements in the Physical Education of the Shape Dance

  14. 二级督导工作主要包括教学过程检查、教学调查、指导、问卷评估、专题研讨、座谈会、信息反馈、经验总结等。

    Its work includes mainly examination of teaching process , teaching investigation , guidance , questionnaire evaluation , topic discussion , seminar , information feedback , experience summary , etc.

  15. 研究者说教学医院应该检查新医生的责任。

    The researchers say teaching hospitals should examine the responsibilities of new doctors .

  16. 在很多情况下,教学大纲是检查和评定学生学业成绩和衡量教师教学质量的重要标准。

    In most cases it is a key index to measure students'grades and teachers'teaching quality .

  17. 对体育课教学质量进行检查和分析,有利于及时总结经验教训,提高教学质量。

    Conducting the analysis and examination about the teaching quality in physical course is helpful to summarize the experience and the lesson and to promote the teaching quality .

  18. 部分学校教学督导组或检查组中缺乏体育专业的教授或专家,影响对体育课的检查与监督的效果。

    In part of the institutes , teaching authorities are lack of professional sports professors or experts , which impact the effects of physical examination and supervision .

  19. 为提高教育质量和教学效果,教学的检查和评价是必不可少的。

    Teaching examining and evaluation must be given in order to promoting education quality and teaching effect .

  20. 形成性考核是远程开放教育教学过程与教学质量检查、监控的一项重要环节。

    Formative assessment is an important link in process of education and examing and monitoring teaching quality in open education .

  21. 校内教学质量监控体系由日常教学环节检查、专项教学活动检查及各类教学评估组成,三种形式各有利弊,互为补充。

    The teaching quality monitoring system consists of routine teaching inspections , special teaching activity inspections and various teaching assessments .

  22. 根据学校教学改革实践,提出将课堂教学评价划分为检查课、评优课和诊断性研究课等类型。

    Based on the practice of school education reform , this essay proposes categorizing the type of classroom teaching evaluation into general-inspection-oriented , high-grade-oriented and research-oriented .

  23. 教学督导是对高校的教学及教学管理进行检查、监督和指导,其核心是教学质量管理。

    The function of Teaching Supervision and Guidance ( TSG ) is to check , supervise and guide the college teaching and teaching management . The core of TSD is the teaching quality management .

  24. 文章就教学评价中的优秀教师标准,模糊分析原则、教学检查队伍的组成和应注意的问题进行论述。

    The article has a discussion on the evaluation standard of top-notch teacher , the principle of fuzzy analysis , the organization of the evaluating faculties and the problems to be noticed .

  25. 中学英语教学重在培养学生的交际能力,这是把握教学方向,检查教学效果,提高教学质量的指针。

    In the middle school , English teaching emphatically fosters the students ' ability to communicate . It is a mainly principle of controlling the orientation of English teaching , checking on the result of English teaching and improving the teaching quality .

  26. 通过内部教学管理文件的梳理和重构,建立起全新的文件体系和工作流程,不仅有利于教学评估检查,更有助于教学管理水平的提升和教学质量的提高。

    Through rearrangement and reconstruction of internal teaching administrative documents , brand-new document system and workflow will be built , which is not only beneficial to examination of teaching evaluation but also helpful to the improvement of teaching administrative level and teaching quality .

  27. 就今后实验教学进一步深化改革&开设多层次化学实验教学模式、建立化学多媒体教学体系以及对化学实验课教学效果的检查与评估提出了新的思路。

    Moreover , the new thoughts about how to deepen the reforms are put forward , such as offering multi-level teaching mode of chemistry experiments , establishing multi-media teaching system of chemistry , examining and evaluating the teaching results of chemistry experiments and so on .