
jiào xué lǐ lùn
  • didactics
  1. 国外教学理论简介

    A brief introduction to foreign Didactics

  2. 随着现代教学理论的发展,教学策略愈来愈受到人们的关注。

    With the development of modern didactics , teaching strategy is increasingly attracting people 's attention .

  3. 建构主义教学理论(constructive)是西方教育心理学中较新的教学理论,它的主要教学模式有:支架式教学(scaffoldinginstruction)模式,其中包括:搭建支架、进入情景、独立探索、协作学习;

    Constructivism is the new education theory in the west education psychology . The main education model have the Scaffolding Instruction model , it include : construct trestle 、 enter sight 、 independent probe and cooperation study ;

  4. 建构主义教学理论与高中英语阅读教学

    A Constructivist Approach to the Teaching of Reading in Senior English

  5. 建构主义教学理论与英语教学改革的契合

    The Affinity Between Constructivist Teaching Theory and English Language Teaching Reform

  6. 中学科学领域双语教学理论与实践研究

    Studies on Bilingual Science Teaching Theories and Practice in Middle School

  7. 根据教学理论,优化课型设计;

    Optimizing the design of lesson model according to teaching theory ;

  8. 第一,教师要丰富自己的教学理论和实践。

    First , teachers should enrich themselves in pedagogical theory and practice .

  9. 本课程是关于一些基本的英语教学理论和方法。

    The course is about some basic EFL teaching theories and approaches .

  10. 它起着从教学理论到教学实践过渡的桥梁作用。

    It takes bridge effect from teaching theories to the teaching practices .

  11. 传统英语教学理论在多媒体英语教学中的映射

    Reflection of Traditional English Teaching Theory in Multimedia English Teaching

  12. 地理教学理论问题研究

    A Study of the Theory Problem of the Geography Instruction

  13. 教学理论:走向交往与对话的时代

    Teaching Theory : Towards an Age with Communication and Dialogue

  14. 罗杰斯学生为中心的教学理论对思想政治教育的启示

    Inspirations of Rogers ' student-centered to teaching theory political and ideological education

  15. 十一、教育教学理论与实践的研究者。

    11 . Researcher for educational and teaching theory as well as practice .

  16. 建构主义理论是当代全新的教学理论,认为学习是学习者主动建构意义的过程。

    Constructivism is the latest teaching and learning theory all over the world .

  17. 实践新的教学理论提高四六级成绩

    Practising New Teaching Theory to Improve the Language Ability

  18. 基于校园网的网络教学理论与实践研究

    A Study of Theory and Practice of Virtual Pedagogy Based on University Network

  19. 学问教学理论也必须走向实践。

    The " Learn-to-query " instruction theory also must move towards the practice .

  20. 分层教学理论的实践探索

    An Exploration of the Practice of Multi-level Teaching Theory at Shanghai Pharmaceutical School

  21. 兴趣带领兴趣教学理论

    " Interest Lead interest " of Teaching Theory

  22. 师范院校中学数学教学理论课程改革的几点尝试

    Attempts on the Curriculum Reform of Secondary School Mathematics Teaching Theories in Normal Schools

  23. 高职高专英语网络教学理论与应用

    The Theories and Application of Computer Networking in English Education in Higher Professional Colleges

  24. 提高微格教学理论认识与实践效果

    Improve Microteaching Theory Attitude and Practice Effect

  25. 本文阐述了建构主义全新的教学理论,并结合其基本理论阐述了对英语教材设计与编写的启示。

    This paper introduces constructivist theories and its implication for English materials design and development .

  26. 多元智能理论在教学理论上有高于传统课堂的较新的地方,在实践运用中也多以实践创新为己任。

    Intelligence theory applied in teaching practice involves more abundant innovation than in traditional class .

  27. 研究性教学理论在两课教学中的应用与探索

    Application and Exploration of Studying Teaching Theory in the Process of " Two Courses " Teaching

  28. 建构主义教学理论与基于网络学习的大学英语教学模式初探

    A Tentative Study of the Relationship Between Constructivist Teaching Theory and Computer-Based College English Teaching Reform

  29. 当前的商务英语教学理论和实践多服务于英语专业教学的,实践研究表明,研究经贸类非英语专业学生的商务英语教学模式同样具有重要的现实意义。

    However , the current Business teaching theories and practices are mainly designed for the English majors .

  30. 第二章对相关外语教学理论研究进行了回顾并对国内外的汉语教学模式进行了介绍。

    Chapter Two reviews relevant foreign language teaching modes and introduces Chinese teaching modes in and abroad .