
  1. 多媒体课件脚本撰写的几点体会

    Some insights of creating a script for a multi-media teaching aid

  2. 多媒体课件脚本规范运用

    Canonical Exertion of Multimedia Courseware Script

  3. 多媒体课件的脚本设计

    A Multimedia Courseware Plan

  4. 主要内容有:压疮CAI课件选题和课件脚本的编写;课件的主要制作方法、课件的界面设计与功能以及运行环境等。

    The paper is to introduces the design mentality and methods of making CAI courseware for pressure sores , covering choosing of topics , writing of word script , the chief making methods , the interface design , movement environment and the function of CAI courseware .

  5. 介绍了微机原理及接口技术实验课件的系统结构和课件脚本设计,给出串行接口应用实验示例脚本;

    Microcomputer principles and system structrue and courseware script design of experimentation courseware of interface technique are introduced , and the experiment sample script of serial interface is given .

  6. 介绍了多媒体CAI课件的设计与制作的几个关键技术,包括课件结构、脚本、文字、声音、图形、动画和视频的设计和制作。

    This paper introduces some key points in the design and implementation of CAI courseware , including the structure of courseware , script of editing , text , sound , image , animation and video .