
kè chéng
  • course;curriculum;programme;lesson;subject
课程 [kè chéng]
  • [course;curriculum] 学校教学的科目与进程

  • 为取得学位而专修的课程

  • 社会学的四年课程

课程[kè chéng]
  1. 课程中的科目构成了一个连贯的整体。

    The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole .

  2. 政府和教师就新的课程进行了紧密协作。

    The government worked in close collaboration with teachers on the new curriculum .

  3. 本课程允许学生按各自的速度学习。

    The course allows students to progress at their own speed .

  4. 第一年的课程简直太容易了。

    The first year of the course was an absolute doddle .

  5. 你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。

    You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements .

  6. 本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。

    This training course will qualify you for a better job .

  7. 只有我们三人学高级课程。

    There were only three of us on the advanced course .

  8. 体育课在学校的课程表上已不再是重点课。

    Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable .

  9. 参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。

    Most of the people on the course were professional women .

  10. 该课程全日制学习一年,非全日制学习两年。

    The course is 1 year FT , 2 years PT .

  11. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。

    Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year .

  12. 这些笔记的目的是作为对这门课程的介绍。

    The notes are intended as an introduction to the course .

  13. 目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。

    Currently , over 500 students are enrolled on the course .

  14. 这个单元现在为本课程既定的一部分。

    This unit is now an established part of the course .

  15. 要确保他们的课程获得有声望机构的承认。

    Check that their courses have been validated by a reputable organization .

  16. 这门课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提的。

    The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject .

  17. 这个课程是欧洲委员会部分资助的。

    The course is part funded by the European Commission .

  18. 培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。

    The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops .

  19. 我们努力使这些训练课程尽可能地贴近实际情况。

    We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible .

  20. 我们需要为三年级学生制订一个新的课程大纲。

    We need to design a new syllabus for the third year .

  21. 课程学习的圆满完成并不能保证你能得到工作。

    Satisfactory completion of the course does not ensure you a job .

  22. 《哈姆雷特》是这门课程的指定读物。

    ' Hamlet ' is required reading for this course .

  23. 我们的全部课程都是针对个人需要设计的。

    All our courses are personalized to the needs of the individual .

  24. 学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。

    Students have a free choice of courses in their final year .

  25. 课程作业占最后总成绩的40%。

    Coursework accounts for 40 % of the final marks .

  26. 这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。

    The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression .

  27. 这些学院联合在一起,以扩大开设课程的范围。

    The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses .

  28. 这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。

    These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees .

  29. 课程已获教育部核准。

    The course is approved by the Department for Education .

  30. 她正在职业学校学习全国普通职业证书的商业培训课程。

    She 's doing GNVQ Business Studies at college .