
  • 网络Content;Course content;curriculum content
  1. 半开卷考试是指学生参加考试可以自带一张写有考试课程内容和公式的A4纸进入考场。

    Partly open-book examination refers to a means of examination that students take part in examination with a A4 paper on which some contents about the exam and formulas are written .

  2. 工程制图课程内容和课程体系改革

    Course Reform of Engineering Graphics on Course Contents and Course System

  3. 西班牙语已纳入课程内容。

    Spanish is on the curriculum .

  4. 西班牙语已纳入课程内容。

    Spanish is in the curriculum .

  5. 往届学生对课程内容与教员全是赞扬之词。

    Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff

  6. 国内外GIS课程内容的对比与启示

    A Comparative Research on GIS Curriculum System and Structure at Home and Abroad

  7. 该软件是利用MATLAB语言开发制作的,它概括了自动控制理论、过程控制、系统仿真和智能控制等课程内容,是一种较为实用的计算机辅助教学软件。

    The software developed using MATLAB language includes four courses : theory of automatic control , process control , simulation of system and intelligent control .

  8. 基于网络的计算机辅助教学系统NBCAI(NetworkBasedComputerAssistedInstruction)使学生和教师通过计算机网络进行课程内容的学习、讲授、练习和测试。

    Network CAI ( Network Based Computer Assisted Instruction & NBCAI ) makes students and teachers study , teach , exercise , test the class content by computer network .

  9. 分析信号与系统课程内容和教学上的特点,介绍MATLAB软件的一些特点,最后结合教例来说明如何利用MATLAB来实现提高信号与系统课程的教学质量。

    This article firstly analyses the property of signal and systems course from content and teaching and learning , then summarizes some property of matlab software and at last introduces how to improve the quality of teaching and learning on signal and sysetems course with teaching examples .

  10. 电子文化时代高校中文专业课程内容体系探讨

    Probe into Curriculum System of College Chinese Specialty in E-Culture Age

  11. 高职教育中网络课程内容的设计

    The Design of the Course of Network in Higher Vocational Education

  12. 《计算机导论》课程内容及体系结构改革研究

    Research on Innovating Contents and Systematic Structure of Introduction to Computer

  13. 它与课程内容有着直接联系。

    It has the direct relationships with the content of courses .

  14. 他们的物理课程内容非常陈旧落后。

    Their courses in physics are very much behind the times .

  15. 课程内容要淡化固有理念,实行模块化教学。

    Course content will desalinate inherent concept , carry out modular teaching .

  16. 体育促进健康课程内容资源的开发者;

    The exploiter of developing the resources of healthy curriculum ;

  17. 重构普通高等院校体育课程内容体系的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of Reconstruction of Physical Education Curriculum System in Universities

  18. 全球化与城市地理学课程内容体系改革

    Globalization and the Reformation on the Content System of Urban Geography Courses

  19. 《会展地理学》课程内容体系研究

    The Study on System of Curriculum Content of MICE Geography

  20. 课程内容方面,重视实用性。

    It should emphasize the practices in the curriculum content .

  21. 计算机语言课程内容的连贯性探讨

    Discussion on the Continuity of Content in Computer Language Course

  22. 大学英语课程内容与课程体系的改革与实践

    The Reforming and Practising of College English Stuff and the Course System

  23. 更新课程内容,建构新的课程体系;

    Renew the curriculum contents and construct new curriculum system ;

  24. 对国际贸易实务课程内容加入出口管理要素的思考

    On adding export management factors to the course of international trade practice

  25. 世界古代史精品课程内容体系论析

    Analysis of Superb Course Content System of World Ancient History

  26. 护理与法课程内容设置探索

    The exploration about setting-up curriculum of nursing and low

  27. 加强研究型课程内容选择的技术性指导;

    Enhance the technical guidance in selecting the contents of the research course ;

  28. 机械设计课程内容融为一体的尝试

    A Attempt to Integrate Contents of Mechanical Design Course

  29. 体育与健康课程内容的设置符合课程发展的趋势。

    Physical education and health course to be fitting tendency of the curriculum .

  30. 结构力学实践课程内容及考试方法的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Content and Examination Method of Structural Mechanics Practice Curriculum