
kè yú shí jiān
  • Extracurricular time;time after school;time after class
  1. 但因目前的种种因素,我国小学生在放学后课余时间利用方面存在着诸多问题,归纳起来大致有三类:一是剥夺的课余时间。

    However , due to the factors present , there comes many problems in Chinese primary school students ' use of spare time after school , which can be generally classified into three categories : First , the deprived after-school hours .

  2. 过去我经常在课余时间写作。

    I used to write during my free periods at school

  3. 当我问他对这件事情的看法,是他回答说,“我喜欢课上考试,因为时间已经被留出来了,不需要在家里用我的课余时间去完成考试,”他回答道。

    When I asked his opinion on this matter , he responded , " I like in-class exams because the time is already reserved , as opposed to using my free time at home to work on a test , " he responded .

  4. 论文正是基于以上考虑,提出了设计一种成本低、简单易学、便于携带的FPGA实验学习板,方便学生利用课余时间开展自主创新的探究性学习。

    In view of this , the thesis tries to design a low cost , easy to learn , and portable FPGA laboratory studying board , in order to facilitate students ' independent and creative research activities in their spare time .

  5. 第三,利用课余时间教孩子们抖空竹。

    Teach the children how to play Chinese Yoyo outside class .

  6. 那位老师经常用课余时间辅导学生。

    The teacher often spends her spare time coaching the students .

  7. 在课余时间,我最喜欢上网。

    During my part time , I like surfing the Internet best .

  8. 你是怎样利用你的课余时间的?

    How do you make use of your spare time ?

  9. 乔治:学生们在课余时间做些什么?

    Gorge : What do the students do in their spare time ?

  10. 他们利用课余时间完成了阅读作业。

    They have finished the reading in their own time .

  11. 来解释他们课余时间还形影不离。

    They would be spending time outside of school together .

  12. 浅谈大学生课余时间应如何利用图书馆

    Discussion on how University Students Use Library in Free Time

  13. 在你课余时间学习很难吗?

    Is it hard to study in your spare time ?

  14. 这个男孩子用他所有课余时间去玩电子游戏。

    The boy spent all of his free time playing electronic games .

  15. 我还在课余时间参加了很多班。

    And I went to classes in my spare time .

  16. 课余时间你有很多家庭作业吗?

    Do you have much homework to do after class ?

  17. 但是,许多学生在课余时间经商。

    However , many students are doing business in their leisure time .

  18. 我们在课余时间可以根据自己的兴趣加入学校俱乐部。

    We can join many school clubs after class according to our interest .

  19. 课余时间有关语法讲解的短信息会发送到学生的手机里。

    Information that explains grammar is sent to their mobile phones between lectures .

  20. 利用课余时间提高体育专业学生的组织能力

    Improving the Organizing Ability of Physical Education Majors by Utilizing Their Spare Time

  21. 小学生放学后课余时间支配方式的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Primary School Students ' Disposal of After-school Hours

  22. 学生们在课余时间可以参加许多俱乐部。

    The students have lots of clubs to join in their spare time .

  23. 我们利用自己多出来的课余时间,相互交流,相互帮助。

    We use their extra free time , mutual exchanges and mutual help .

  24. 此外在课余时间进行理论与实践的结合。

    In addition , after-school time for a combination of theory and practice .

  25. 课余时间里,我读了很多关于教育心理学的东西。

    In my free time , I read a lot about educational psychology .

  26. 课余时间你都玩什么

    What 'd you do in your free time ?

  27. 高荣基在云南大学读中文,要准备汉语考试,课余时间还打工。

    He is preparing the HSK test and doing some part-time job after class .

  28. 在课余时间免费接受师范指导、自由练习;

    Training yourself besides the class under the coach of instructor free of charge .

  29. 进入了高中,我利用课余时间参加了生物竞赛辅导课程。

    In the junior high school , I entered for some district-level biology competitions .

  30. 因此,学生们在课余时间的活动是至关关重要的。

    So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance .