
  • 网络zhejiang chinese medical university;Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  1. 为进行本研究,笔者选择了成都中医药大学、浙江中医药大学、泸州医学院中西医结合学院3所院校,发放了400份问卷。

    They are Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , and Luzhou Medical College . There are 400 questionnaires which have been distributed .

  2. 方法:选择2004-01/2006-02在浙江中医药大学附属针灸推拿医院针灸科就诊的帕金森病患者38例,均自愿参加观察。

    METHODS : Totally 38 subjects with Parkinson disease , who hospitalized at Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion , Acupuncture and Manipulation Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University from January 2004 to February 2006 , were enrolled .

  3. 21岁的宋佳哲(音译)就读于浙江中医药大学,因为这所学校是中国唯一本科开设听力学专业的高校,每年约100名该专业的大学生从这里毕业。

    Song Jiazhe , 21 , is an audiology student at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University . His university offers the only audiology program for undergraduate students in China . About 100 students graduate from the major every year .