
  • 网络zhejiang merchants;zhejiang businessman
  1. 基于产业集群的浙商合作营销影响因素及模式研究

    Study on influence factors and model to cooperative marketing in Zhejiang businessman based on industrial clusters

  2. 论浙商的转型与非经济因素

    On Changing Images of Zhejiang Merchants and Related Non-Economic Factors

  3. 嵌入于全球价值链(GVC)中的“浙商”企业价值绝对量保持增长,但是价值份额下降的根源在于其价值权力的日趋消蚀。

    The reality that Zheshang firms , embedded in GVC , face the dilemma between value growth and share declining , is for value power waning .

  4. 虽然浙商信托的多数股份将由浙江省政府的一个部门持有,但中金公司将负有主要管理责任。美国私人股本集团TPGCapital和KKR拥有中金公司的部分股权。

    Although the majority will be held by an arm of the Zhejiang provincial government , CICC , which is partly owned by US private equity groups TPG Capital and KKR , will have primary responsibility for management .

  5. 浙商对长春民营经济的启示

    An Inspiration to the Changchun Private Economy from the Zhejiang Business

  6. 浙商投资中部地区的特征和动因

    Features and Motives of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs ' Investment in Central China

  7. 浙商:成长背景、群体特征及其未来走向

    Zhejiang Merchants : Development Background , Group Characteristics and Trend

  8. 浙商竞争优势的主观要件及其逻辑构造

    The Subjective Conditions and Logistic Structure of Zhejiang Merchants ' Competitive Advantage

  9. 同时,在缺米问题的背后,徽商与浙商的竞争与垄断才是案件的本质所在。

    The competition and monopoly of businessmen were the essential of the case .

  10. 科技与浙商发展的关系之研究

    Study on the Relationship between Science and Technology and Zhejiang Businessmen 's Growth

  11. 浙商投资五怕

    Five Worries in Investment of Zhejiang Business People

  12. 本文描述了浙商外迁的地域分布、行业分布、规模分布及其发展态势。

    The paper describes the general characteristics of Zhejiang merchants and their investments outside migration .

  13. 浙商研究的分析范式&具有中国的典型意义

    Analytical Paradigm of " Zhejiang Merchants " Research & The Significant Meaning to Chinese Enterprises

  14. 在人才辈出的浙商群体中,宗庆后无疑是个标志性人物。

    Undoubtedly , Zong Qinghou is a landmark figure in the groups of Zhejiang businessmen .

  15. 浙商经济转型中的组织、心理与行为机制研究

    A Research on the Mechanism of Organization , Mentality and Behavior of Businessmen from Zhejiang Economic Transformation

  16. 该文归纳了浙商省外投资的三个主要特征,分析了浙企外迁的三个动因。

    This paper summarizes three features and analyzes three motives of the outward transplant of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs ' Investment .

  17. 本文将运用银行市场营销理论,结合实际情况分析和研究如何完善浙商银行上海分行市场营销管理体系。

    This paper will use bank marketing theory and practical analysis and study how to improve Zheshang bank marketing management system .

  18. 企业家能力来源及其生成机制&基于浙商低学历高效率创业现象的实证分析

    The Origin and Generative Mechanism of Entrepreneur Ability & Based On Empirical Analysis of Zhejiang Merchants ' " Low Qualification-High Efficiency "

  19. 在众多的浙商群体中,传化集团在义利观的认识、理解与把握上更具代表性、典型性。

    Among many Zhejiang Commerce groups , Transfar Group is more representative and typical in understanding and mastering the righteousness and benefit view .

  20. 您现在莅临的是“借力新经济,做强新浙商”暨上海名企高峰论坛”现场!

    Here is your presence at'With the Support of New Economy , Strengthening New Zhejiang Business ' & 'Shanghai Famous Corporations Forum ' .

  21. 浙商的成功实践证明,充分认识和运用这种机制对于帮助浙商转型有十分重要的价值。

    The success of the businessmen from Zhejiang proves that it is of great value to know and make use of the new mechanism .

  22. 浙商外迁将促使浙江的经济发展经历从“浙江经济”到“浙江人经济”的深刻变革。

    Zhejiang merchants'and their investments'outside migration will make Zhejiang 's economy experience a change from " Zhejiang model " to " Zhejiangnese model " .

  23. 过去三十年我们也恰恰看到了新闻的力量作为促进企业发展的重要推动力,这也是浙商软实力的体现。

    Over the past thirty years we have seen the power of the press as an important impetus to the development of stimulative enterprise .

  24. 科斯老人也非常热情地招待了浙商代表团,并与他的访客进行了就他非常感兴趣的有关中国的问题进行了交谈。

    Coase was also very warm hospitality of the delegation , and had a conversation with them about China-related issues which he was very interested in .

  25. 除了富有、守信这些成功商人大同小异的标记之外,浙商从来没有一个主导性的价值观和有吸引力的商业理论。

    In addition to be rich and honest , such same signs of successful businessmen , the Zhejiang businessmen have never had dominant values and attractive business theory .

  26. 浙商投资重点选择江西有三个理由:发展态势好、制度成本低、邻域渗透快。

    There are three reasons for Zhejiang entrepreneurs to choose Jiangxi province : good state of development , low costs of the system and strong economic penetration of investment .

  27. 但是,大器晚成的宗庆后却以自己不懈的实践,让浙商形象渐渐变得清晰起来。

    However , Zong Qinghou , who was succeeded in his late life , let the image of Zhejiang businessmen become more and more clear by his continuous efforts .

  28. 最后分析了浙商在企业国际化方面存在的不足,特别是国际化知识学习机制的不成熟,及信息传递和人才培养等方面的欠缺。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the enterprises internationalization degree gaps of Zhejiang merchants , particularly in the immature of international expertise studying mechanism , information transfer and personnel training .

  29. 第二部分,主要以浙江现象为基础,探寻出浙商精神是其出现的内在真正动力。

    The second part , mainly in " Zhejiang Phenomenon " is based out of Zhejiang to explore the inner spirit is the true driving force in which they appear .

  30. 但是,国际金融危机带给浙商企业不小的冲击,企业纷纷寻求途径缓解冲击,但其应对风险的行为是被动的、滞后的。

    However , the international financial crisis is bringing enormous impacts on the the enterprises , so they are seeking ways to release them , but their response is passive and backward .