
  • 网络Customer Satisfactory
  1. 基于激励-保健理论的顾客满意理论及服务系统的研究

    Customer satisfactory and service system based on motive - hygiene theory

  2. 接着以顾客满意理论为指导,借鉴美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)模型,结合开发区投资环境各因素及投资者行为特征分析,构建出投资者满意度指数模型。

    Secondly taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model for reference , investor satisfaction index model is designed based on the analysis of investor behavior features and factors of investment environment .

  3. 顾客满意理论与高校图书馆信息服务工作

    The Theory of Customer Satisfaction and Academic Library Information Service

  4. 顾客满意理论与电厂运行技术管理

    Customer Satisfaction Theory and Technical Management of Power Plant Operation

  5. 这个结果违背了顾客满意理论中的假设。

    This result with the theory of customer satisfaction between appeared deviation .

  6. 顾客满意理论与管理实践是以需要为基点的价值评判。

    The customer satisfaction and management practice is based on the need of customers .

  7. 顾客满意理论已经引起学术界和企业界的重视。

    Customer satisfaction theory has come into notice of both academia and commercial interests .

  8. 顾客满意理论对市场营销学的贡献

    Contribution of Customer Satisfaction Theory to Marketing

  9. 关于顾客满意理论的研究方法

    Methodology in Customer Satisfaction Research

  10. 介绍顾客满意理论,目标市场差异化战略,营销组合的发展。

    Recommending customers to be satisfied with the theory , the difference strategy of market of the goal , the development made up in marketing .

  11. 顾客满意理论研究方法有四个方面内容:构念的定义方式,建模方法,模型估计方法和测量的效度。

    The paper discusses four aspects of customer satisfaction methodology : operational definition , modeling approach , algorithms for the estimation of SEM , validity of measurement .

  12. 本文的研究重点是结合商店形象与顾客满意理论,研究它们对顾客抱怨行为的影响。

    The study of this paper focuses on that combine the theories of store image and customer satisfaction , research the affection of customer complaint behavior by them .

  13. 本文通过顾客满意理论分析了顾客满意模糊性的原因,并提出了基本体验模糊性的顾客满意度评价方法。

    This thesis analyse the reasons of the fuzzy based on the theory of customer satisfaction , and discuss the evaluating method of customer satisfaction index based on the fuzzy experience .

  14. 本文首先对市场份额理论及顾客满意理论进行了回顾,指出上述研究的逻辑起点实际上是企业利润。

    At first , the thesis looks back on the market share theory and customer satisfaction theory , pointing out that the logical starting point of those researches is enterprise profit .

  15. 顾客满意理论表明,产品或服务质量与顾客满意度之间有密切关系,而顾客不满意时会做出各种反应,有关调查表明顾客不满意对相关企业将产生负面影响。

    The paper begins by presenting a theoretical model of the relationship between product / service quality and customer satisfaction followed by a listing of the various reactions caused by customer dissatisfaction .

  16. 通过对顾客满意理论的探讨来说明为什么在当前日益竞争激烈的市场背景下一定要建立相应的顾客满意体系才能在竞争中获胜的原因。

    Through the discussion of customer satisfaction theory , this part brings forward the reason why it is essential to establish a corresponding customer satisfaction system for a success in an increasingly competitive market .

  17. 在回顾国内外顾客满意理论与实践发展的基础上,界定了顾客满意与其密切相关的概念,如顾客忠诚、顾客期望、顾客资产和质量等之间的关系。

    Having reviewed the CS literature model and reality experience at home and abroad , it defines more relative concepts of CS , such as Customer Value , Customer Loyalty , Customer Expectation , Customer Assets and Quality .

  18. 依据期望价值理论、顾客满意理论、需要层次理论及认知评价理论,对体验价值与游客满意度及行为意向之间的关系进行了剖析。

    On this basis , tourists ' satisfaction degree and formation mechanism of their behavioral intention are analyzed according to the customer satisfaction theory , expectancy value theory , cognitive evaluation theory and the hierarchy of needs theory .

  19. 针对顾客满意理论研究的现状,笔者在讨论顾客满意内涵和顾客满意模型的基础上,深入探讨顾客满意的价值及其这一理论对营销的贡献。

    In view of this situation , based on the discussion of definition and the model of the Customer Satisfaction , the author goes further into the value of Customer Satisfaction theory and the contribution to marketing of it .

  20. 基于顾客满意理论、交易成本理论和委托代理理论,构建了上市公司投资者关系管理通过治理结构和财务绩效影响投资满意的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。

    Based on Customer Satisfaction Theory and Transaction Cost Theory and Principal Agent Theory , the dissertation builds up a theoretical model , in which the three dimensions of investor relationship management influence investment satisfaction via governance structure and financial performance .

  21. 首先,简要概述文章的研究意义及整体内容框架。其次,在对顾客满意理论和体验营销研究成果回顾的基础上,进行文献的梳理、观点的总结整理。

    First of all , a brief overview of the significance and overall framework . Secondly , on the basis of literatures , the paper summarizes the point of views related with the main points of experience marketing and consumer satisfaction .

  22. 借鉴学者们提出的服务补救模型,一顾客满意理论为导向,构建了本文研究的重点服务失误情景之下的服务补救对顾客满意关系的模型。

    Drawing lessons from service remedy model put forward by some scholars and orienting by the theory of customers ' satisfaction , this thesis builds its focus & the relationship model between service remedy and customers ' satisfaction with the context of service mistakes .

  23. 接着本文对顾客满意理论及其定性定量模型研究的发展进行了较全面较系统的总结与梳理,提出了顾客满意形成的综合模型,为科技文献数据库信息用户满意形成测评模型提供理论基础。

    And then , the paper summarizes almost all of the common , significant customer satisfaction formation models , analyzes the development of the models and provides the integrated model of consumer satisfaction formation to support the analysis of the formation of scientific documental database information user satisfaction .

  24. 不管是对第三方物流企业顾客满意的理论研究还是对顾客满意的评价研究,最终都是为了提高顾客满意度,通过使顾客满意来维持并扩大客户,从而增强第三方物流企业的竞争力。

    Regardless of the theoretical study of customer satisfaction or customer satisfaction evaluation studies , our ultimate goal is to improve customer satisfaction , maintain and expand customers by making customer satisfaction , then enhance the competitive power of the third-party logistics enterprises .

  25. 实施顾客满意营销的理论探讨

    A discussion of implementing customer satisfactory theory of marketing

  26. 本文先后从概念模型研究和度量模型两方面综述了顾客满意的基本理论及测度方法,并介绍了本研究采用的测量模型和评价指标体系;

    This paper begins with the summary of concept model and evaluation model of customer satisfaction theory and its measurement methods , and introduces the measurement model and evaluation indices system used in this paper ;

  27. 其次,对顾客满意的基本理论进行了归纳总结,就顾客满意、顾客满意度和顾客满意度指数等概念提出了自己的看法;

    Second , it summarizes the basic theory on customer satisfaction , and put forward the opinion of the author own on the concepts of customer satisfaction , customer satisfaction degree and customer satisfaction index ;

  28. 顾客满意的双因素理论及其在营销中的应用

    HM Theory of Customer Satisfaction and Its Application on Marketing

  29. 最后,根据顾客满意的比较水平理论分析了造成上述差异的原因。

    In the end , comparison-level theory is used to explain the reasons resulting to these differences .

  30. 研究服务失败和服务补救下的顾客满意具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    It has both theoretical and practical significances to study on customer satisfaction with service failure and recovery encounters .