
  • 网络participatory journalism;Participative Journalism
  1. 参与式新闻时代的到来以及由于新媒体技术降低了新闻传播的门槛,以往消极被动的信息消费者如今变得十分积极活跃。

    With the arrival of participatory journalism , information consumers who acted as a negative role in the past have become active .

  2. 公民新闻由20世纪90年代美国的公共新闻运动发展而来,早期也称公众新闻、参与式新闻、市民新闻等。

    Citizen journalism developed from United States public journalism campaigns in 1990s . Early , it was named " public journalism ", " participatory journalism ", " civic journalism " and so on .

  3. 在公共新闻的实践及其研究继续向前推进的今天,公共新闻还出现了与参与式新闻融合的新趋势。

    With going ahead of practices and researches nowadays , there also be a new trend of blending " Public news " with " participation news " looms .

  4. 通过定性研究那些运用数字媒体的社会运动及参与式新闻的案例,例如非洲,中东,亚洲的互联网及卫星广播,能够让我们对数字运动有更加全面的理解。

    Through the qualitative research method , examples of social activism and participatory journalism through the use of digital media such as the internet and satellite broadcast in Africa , the Middle East , and in Asia were used to provide a comprehensive view of digital developments .