
  • Television News 缩写为 TVN
  1. 他们密切追踪有线电视新闻网上的国外新闻。

    They follow minutely the news from abroad on Cable News Network .

  2. 她作为国务院的发言人,每晚都会出现在电视新闻中。

    She appears nightly on the television news , speaking for the State Department .

  3. 南非一则电视新闻报道称,那艘船从头到尾都着了火。

    A South African television report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern .

  4. 我们大多数人认识她是因为她曾主持过电视新闻节目。

    Most of us know her as the woman who used to present the television news

  5. 在谈话节目《国情咨文》上被美国有线电视新闻网的德娜·巴许问及明年美国人是否仍需戴口罩时,福奇回答道:“我认为可能需要戴口罩,而且这取决于你对正常状态的定义。”

    Asked by CNN 's Dana Bash on " State of the Union " whether he thinks Americans will still need to wear masks next year , Fauci replied : " You know , I think it is possible that that 's the case and , again , it really depends on what you mean by normality . "

  6. 前NBC新闻主管比尔•惠特利曾向斯泰尔特称:“电视新闻网境况不佳。”

    Former NBC News chief Bill Wheatley told Stelter that " the network is in bad shape . "

  7. 泰德。特纳最著名的业绩也许是创办了有线电视新闻网(CNN),许多人认为它是全球广播新闻的权威。

    Ted Turner is probably best known for his Cable News Network ( CNN ), which many people believe has become the global broadcast-news authority .

  8. 不过幸好y一位Siddeeq先生的朋友看到了电视新闻于是联系了他。

    But a friend saw a TV report about it and contacted the sorting office .

  9. 美国的晚间电视新闻节目是美国NBC,CBS,ABC三大广播公司的重要新闻栏目之一,其共同点在于强调主持人的个性和地位。

    The program of the night news is one of the important news column of three major broadcast companies in America , NBC , CBS and ABC , the common point of which is emphasizing the personality and position of the anchorman .

  10. 本文将从受众地位、传播者立场、对灾难性新闻的采集等三个方面对电视新闻中的DV市民新闻进行透视,并提出DV市民新闻的发展趋势以及一些悖论。

    This article carries on the perspective from three aspects : the form , the content of the Citizen Journalism on television and the gathering of disaster news , and proposes the trend of the Citizen Journalism as well as some paradoxes .

  11. 在英国,这个具有争议的话题上周还上了电视新闻:因为止咳糖浆Benylin的制造商推出了一条新广告。广告中,一位漂亮女子早上起来发现得了感冒。

    Last week in the UK the controversial topic made it onto the televised national news because the makers of Benylin cough mixture had come up with an ad in which a nice looking woman wakes up one morning with a cold .

  12. 电视新闻的备与播

    The Preparation and Delivery of TV News The History Of Television

  13. 电视新闻直播报道发展研究

    A Study on the Development of the TV Live News Broadcast

  14. 论电视新闻传播中语言与图像正效配置的实现

    On the Positive Disposition of Language and Picture in TV Program

  15. 压力与应对:电视新闻教学如何跟上电视业的发展

    Pressure and Approach-How TV New Teaching Keeping Pace with TV Industry

  16. 电视新闻画面语言的应用

    On the Application of the Pictorial Language in the TV News

  17. 我国灾难性事件的电视新闻评论研究

    The Study of News Commentaries of TV of Disaster of China

  18. 论电视新闻传播的发展趋势

    A Study the of Development Inclination of the TV News Communication

  19. 电视新闻画面语言逻辑考量

    A Study on Menu Language of the Logic of Television News

  20. 冒着破坏公众对电视新闻的信赖之危险。

    The risk of breaking public trust in the television news .

  21. 您觉得现时电视新闻的质素是?

    What is your opinion of the Quality of news reporting ?

  22. 我只看到电视新闻的最后一部分。

    I only saw the tail end of the TV news .

  23. 民生新闻的出现,掀起了中国电视新闻第三次革命。

    Civic news reporting begins the third revolution in media system .

  24. 论我国电视新闻节目直播的突破&从伊拉克战事报道谈起

    The Breakthrough of TV Live Coverage on News Events in China

  25. 现代电视新闻传播具有更多的频道特征。

    The modern Tv news broadcasting has more channel features .

  26. 英语电视新闻访谈中的冲突话语分析

    A Tentative Study of the Conflict Talks in English TV News Interviews

  27. 电视新闻播报方式对受众理性思维的影响

    TV News Broadcasting 's Effect on Audience 's Rational Thought

  28. 文化差异是影响电视新闻翻译质量的重要因素。

    Cultural differences can greatly influence the quality of TV news translation .

  29. 一种用于电视新闻节目的播音员镜头检测算法

    A Method to Detect Anchorperson Shots for Digital TV News

  30. 电视新闻纪录片是一种特殊的电视艺术形式。

    TV News Documentary is a special kind of art .