
  • 网络Telephone Etiquette;Phone Etiquette
  1. 应牢记一些有关电话礼仪的简扼重点。

    Should keep a few simple but important points of telephone etiquette in mind .

  2. 比如说,你需要掌握得体的电话礼仪,知道如何撰写专业的邮件。

    For example , you should know proper telephone etiquette and how to write a professional email .

  3. 掌握必要的电话礼仪及前台接待礼仪。

    Acquire basic phone etiquette and reception etiquette .

  4. 员工若能遵行下列电话礼仪,公司便可能留住老客户也能吸引新客户。

    Companies whose employees use the following telephone etiquette are more likely to keep their clients and attract new customers .

  5. 打电话礼仪中的最重要的一点是:老板不在办公室时,要处理好打来的电话。

    One of the most important parts of telephone manners is the handling of a caller when the employer is not in the office .

  6. 在酒店,我们将通过友好、礼貌和专业的电话礼仪,使每一位致电者倍感亲切和重要。

    At Radisson Hotel , we try to make every caller feel important by being friendly , polite , and professional on the phone .

  7. 有关打电话的礼仪中最应该记住的事情是:总是及时地回别人的电话。

    The most important thing to remember about telephone manners is always to return one 's calls promptly .

  8. 在电话问世后的最初几十年里,人们围绕电话礼仪展开了一场辩论:说“喂”(hello),而不是以介绍自己是谁开场。

    In the early decades of the telephone , there was a debate about the etiquette of saying " hello " rather than beginning by stating who you were .