
  • 网络electronic contract;electron contract;e-contract
  1. 在发生电子合同争议时,如何适用法律,适用何国法律,是跨国电子商务乃至GDP快速健康发展的重要保障。

    How to choose the applicable law in the dispute of electronic contract is an important guarantee of healthy and fast development of electronic commerce and the growth of GDP .

  2. 并分析了电子合同的目的、内容,给出了电子合同模型的结构图,进而定义了电子合同的文档类型定义(DTD)。

    This article has analyzed the purpose , content of electronic contract . It also has given electronic contract model structure chart and then defined electronic contract DTD .

  3. 提出了一个与传统电子合同内容不同的、基于XML语言的电子合同模型,来描述外包活动。

    It presents an electronic contract model which based on XML language and different from content of traditional electronic contract .

  4. 提出一种适于网上电子合同签署的PKI模型。

    This paper presents a PKI model for the scheme of contract signing on the net .

  5. 目前,B2C电子合同纠纷管辖的机制可分为诉讼解决机制和非诉解决机制。

    Dispute proceedings can be divided into non-complaint resolution mechanisms and settlement mechanism .

  6. 由于click-wrapcontract集电子合同与格式合同的特点于一身,所以如何规制这种合同成为人们所共同关心的问题。

    As a result , how to regulate click-wrap contract has become the subject of people 's common concern .

  7. 无论采取EDI、E-mail,还是Web方式,只要是利用计算机网络传递数据信息来要约和承诺而达成的合同均系电子合同。

    AH contacts which use computer network to transfer data messages to conduct a contract , no matter using EDI . E-mail or web , can be called electronic contracts .

  8. B2C电子合同的载体与传统合同不同;

    There are obvious differences in form , time and spot of the contract 's taking effect between the B2C e-contract and the traditional one ;

  9. 电子合同订立中还出现了一些特殊的主体,网络服务提供者即ISP,它的法律地位类似与传统合同订立中邮局所起的功能;

    As the special principal party of the E-contract , the legal status of ISP is similar to the function of the post office in traditional contracting .

  10. 作为一个基于SaaS架构的支持多租户的系统,论文还讨论了系统的可配置性,真正意义上实现了电子合同应用的服务化。

    As architecture based SaaS to support multi-tenant , this dissertation also discussed the configuration of the system . It really realized the meaning of service-oriented application of electronic contracts .

  11. 本文中的电子合同是指当事人之间通过计算机互联网以EDI、电子邮件等网络手段设立、变更、终止财产性民事权利和义务关系的协议。

    Electronic contract in this article indicates that different parties set up , change and terminate their agreement of property civil rights and obligations by means of EDI and E-mail through Internet .

  12. 在这些民商事纠纷中,B2C电子合同纠纷是一类比较特殊的纠纷,纠纷的解决一方面要顾及当事人的意思自治,另一方面要体现对消费者利益的保护。

    Compared to the other civil and commercial disputes , the ones on B2C E-contract are special in both considering the parties ' will autonomy on one hand and protecting the consumers ' interest on the other hand .

  13. 第一章共分二节,第一节介绍B2C电子合同的特性,指出电子合同具有以下四个特性:(1)B2C电子合同的订立是通过计算机互连网进行的;

    Two parts consists of the first chapter , and the first one introduces some nature of B2C e-contract and points four characteristics of the B2C e-contract : ( 1 ) the B2C e-contract is negotiated through internet ;

  14. 不经意传输协议作为密码学的基础协议,在实际生活中有很多应用,例如个人信息的恢复(PIR),不经意抽样(OS),公平的电子合同的签订等等。

    As a fundamental cryptology protocol , oblivious transfer has different application in real life . For example , the private information retrieval ( PIR for short ), oblivious sampling and the signing of fair electronic contract etc.

  15. 新方案是安全且高效的,可以应用于多方电子合同的公平签署。提出了一个基于Oil-Vinegar多变量签名体制的多方同时签名方案,分析了其安全性。

    The new plan is security and highly effective . It can be applied to the multi-party fair electronic contract signing . A multi-party concurrent signature based on the Oil-Vinegar signature scheme is proposed .

  16. 最后,在DASS协议的基础上,设计了招投标代理的身份识别和密钥交换,以及如何应用所交换的会话密钥进行电子合同的协商、签字以及网上银行转帐等操作的协议。

    Finally , in the foundation of DAS S protocol , it designs the protocol of Agents ' status recognition , the key exchange and how to use the key to carry on the consultation of the electronic contract , signature , bank account transfer and so on .

  17. 电子合同是电子商务的基本形式。

    The electronic contract is a basic form of the E-business .

  18. 试析电子合同的要约与承诺

    Discussion of the requirement and promise of the electronic contract

  19. 电子合同中格式条款的法律规制研究

    Research on Legal Regulation of Standard Terms in Electronic Contract

  20. 电子合同协议的研究越来越受到人们的重视。

    Electronic contract protocol is receiving more and more attention .

  21. 公证在电子合同风险控制中的应用

    Application of Notarization to the Risk Management in Electronical Contracts

  22. 国际商务中电子合同法律问题研究

    Study of Legal Problems Emerging from Applying Electronic Contracts in International Business

  23. 该方案可应用于电子合同的公平签署。

    This scheme can be used in fair electronic contract signing schemes .

  24. 新方案可适应于电子合同的公平签署。

    The new scheme can be applied to justice-subscribe of electronic contract .

  25. 论电子合同案件的司法管辖权

    Comments on the Judicial Jurisdiction of Disputes on Electronic Contract

  26. 基于电子合同的虚拟企业中跨组织工作流系统研究

    Research on Cross-Organizational Workflow System of Virtual Enterprises Based on Electronic Contract

  27. 论银行抵销权电子合同刍议

    The right of set - off in bank Discussions on electronic contract

  28. 另外在第三章亦会对电子合同在网络证券交易中如何确定交易当事人身分作出研究,这会涉及到电子签章及电子签章认证的问题。

    The issues of electronic signature and electronic evidence for on-line securities ;

  29. 电子合同效力安全认证法律问题研究

    The Legal Problems of the Safety Certification of the Validity of E-Contract

  30. 电子合同刍议论电子提单的法律地位

    Discussions on electronic contract The Legal Status of Electronic Bills of Lading