
diàn zǐ yóu xì
  • electronic video game;video game;arcade game
  1. 玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。

    You need manual dexterity to be good at video games .

  2. 汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会使他无心做作业。

    Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework

  3. 我大约有4年时间沉迷在电子游戏中。

    I went through about four years of being addicted to video games

  4. 这将使电子游戏的互动性更胜以往。

    This will make videogames more interactive than ever .

  5. 我们玩电子游戏时,他偶尔会和我们一起玩。

    Now and again he 'd join in when we were playing video games .

  6. 公司也可以通过电子游戏平台来培训员工如何做好工作。

    It could also mean training employees how to do their jobs through video game platforms .

  7. 由于电子游戏的缘故,现在这一代劳动力很容易接受将工作游戏化的思维。

    Thanks in part to video games , the generation now entering the workforce is especially open to the idea of having their work gamified .

  8. 不过,游戏化开始越来越流行,他说,“随着越来越多的熟悉电子游戏构造和表现形式的人成为劳动力。”

    Still , gamification only stands to become more popular , he says , " as more and more people come into the workforce who are familiar with the structures and expressions of digital games . "

  9. “我们正处在许多发达国家绝大多数的年轻人是玩电子游戏长大的时代,而越来越多的成年人也在玩这些游戏,”沃巴赫说。

    " We are at a point where in much of the developed world the vast majority of young people grew up playing video games , and an increasingly high percentage of adults play these video games too , " Werbach says .

  10. 人工智能也被用于电子游戏中,例如电子游戏机器人(videogamebots),其设计目的是在游戏中与你战斗。

    AI has also been used in video games , for example video game bots , which are designed to fight against you in the game .

  11. 这些机器人提供大脑电子游戏来提高人们的记忆力。

    These robots provide brain video games to improve people 's memory .

  12. 如果你花几个小时玩电子游戏,你会用到什么技能?

    If you spend hours playing video games , what skills do you use ?

  13. 我像你这么大的时候,没有电脑和电子游戏。

    When I was your age , there weren 't any computers or video games .

  14. 所以,玩儿电子游戏可以为日后做飞行员这样的职业做好准备。

    So , your video-game playing could be preparing you for a career such as a pilot .

  15. 玩电子游戏并以此赚钱似乎是当今许多青少年梦寐以求的工作。

    Playing video games and getting money for it seems like a dream job for many of today 's teenagers .

  16. 假设你和一些朋友坐在一起玩电子游戏,有人恰好提到你最喜欢的游戏之一。

    Say you 're sitting around with some friends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites .

  17. 电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。

    The problem with video game is that they 're addictive .

  18. 电子游戏剥夺了孩子宝贵的童年时光。

    You 're robbing the precious time of children to be children .

  19. 和孩子们一起玩电子游戏会让他们很兴奋。

    The kids will be thrilled that you 're playing video games with them !

  20. 例句:我对电子游戏一窍不通。

    I 'm rubbish at playing computer games .

  21. (你怎么在玩电子游戏?你明天不是要考试吗?)

    Why are you playing video games ? Don 't you have an exam tomorrow ?

  22. (这本书有多个改编作品,包括电影、戏剧和电子游戏。)

    There are numerous adaptations of this book including films , plays and video games .

  23. 例句我儿子当时看起来很无聊,所以我给了他一部能让他埋头专心玩的电子游戏。

    My son seemed really bored – so I gave him a video game he could really sink his teeth into .

  24. 那篇对最新款电子游戏的评论真是一语中的,因为评论里说它是属于这代人的游戏。

    The review of the latest video game really hit the bullseye when it said it was the game of the generation .

  25. 让我们从众多电子游戏中,选择EricChahi的美好的《另一个世界》来看,

    So to get to choosing Eric Chahi 's wonderful Another World , amongst others ,

  26. 使用廉价的电子游戏外围设备、嵌入式加速计和从笔记本电脑到手持电话等各种PC设备,可以实现控制应用程序的新方式。

    Inexpensive video game peripherals with embedded accelerometers and PC devices ranging in size from laptops to hand-held phones are enabling new methods for application control .

  27. 用于购买仅存于电子游戏里的虚拟iTunes服务

    buying virtual items that only exist inside video games .

  28. 很显然,增强现实技术可以用于改善电子游戏,戈登曾是游戏公司艺电(ElectronicArts)的高管,对这个领域很熟悉。

    Augmented reality could obviously be used to enhance video games , something that Mr. Gordon , as a former executive of the game company Electronic Arts , is familiar with .

  29. 尽管电子游戏产业对于GDP和就业有巨大贡献,但是玩游戏--尤其是学生玩游戏,仍被很多人看作不务正业。

    Though the industry is a great contributor to GDP and employment , playing electronic games is still seen by many as an inappropriate pastime , especially for students .

  30. Dennis“Thresh”Fong可说是电子游戏玩家中的迈克.乔丹。

    Dennis " Thresh " Fong is the Michael Jordan of electronic gamers .