
  1. 对高校体育教学模式中以赛代练的应用探讨

    Discussion on Application of Competition for Training in College Physical Education Teaching Model

  2. 浅析周期训练和以赛代练理论的冲突

    The Theory Conflict of " the Cycle Training " and " Practices by the Match Generation "

  3. 为你的游戏体验提供有力支持,另外还提供高效而安全的代练服务,价格最优惠!

    For provide powerful support of game , also provide efficient and safe power-leveling service , competitive price !

  4. 网络游戏虚拟财产法律关系的主体涉及:网络游戏开发运营商、代理商,网络游戏玩家,网络游戏代练者等。

    Subjects of the law relation involve the development and operating businessman , the agent businessman , the game player , the player who do it for others .

  5. 学习国外先进经验,结合我国自身特点,以赛促练,以赛代练,赛练结合。

    Study foreign advanced experience , combine an our country oneself characteristics , Competition to promote the training . Instead of training games . The combination of competition and training .

  6. 目前高中学生普遍存在的学业、课业负担过重和学校考试信度、效度不高、以赛代练、题海战术等是这一问题的具体体现。

    At present , the common problems for senior school students are : the overload of learning and homework , the endless exercises and competitions , the low reliability and validity for examination .

  7. 通过对此题目的研究可以为模式训练、板块训练、以赛代练和科学选材提供途径、方法和工具。

    Through the topic research may for the pattern drill , the tectonic plate training , practice regarding this by the match generation with the scientific selection provides the way , the method and the tool .

  8. 测试丰富了听、说、读、写和译的测试方式,从感性和理性方面对学生都有积极作用,学生对平时测试这种以考代练的模式适应并接受。

    These steps enrich the testing method of listening , speaking , reading , writing and translation in the emotional and rational aspects , which have a positive impact on students . And the students adapt and accept the testing method of this model .

  9. 多数业余足球俱乐部组织机构简单,经费来源不固定,经济上没有保障;没有教练长期跟队,几乎以赛代练;多数俱乐部没有规章制度或制度执行不力。

    Most amateur football clubs have simple organizations , sources of funding are not fixed , there is no guarantee on the economy ; No long-term coach with the clubs , almost all with competition ; Most clubs do not have rules or weak enforcement system . 4 .