
  • 网络metabolic rate;resting metabolic rate, RMR
  1. 培养软骨细胞硫酸软骨素代谢速率的测定

    Metabolic rate measure of chondroitin sulfate from culture chondrocyte

  2. 在动物身上做的实验已经证明了寿命与代谢速率之间有紧密关系。

    Experiments on animals have shown a strong link between lifespan and metabolic rate .

  3. 各处理间叶片净CO2代谢速率和大气湿度无差别。

    No differences in leaf net CO2 assimilation rate and air relative humidity among all the treatments were found .

  4. 缺锌影响骨骼肌的代谢速率,阻碍力竭性游泳后骨骼肌总蛋白和总RNA含量的升高,并引起骨骼肌F肌动蛋白的下降,G-肌动蛋白的异常升高。

    Zinc deficiency could inhibit the increases of contents of total protein and total RNA in skeletal muscles of rats after exhausted swimming .

  5. 目的在建立的哺乳动物整体生理药物动力学模型的基础上,导出了生理药物动力学模型参数(分配系数R,排泄速率常数KE;代谢速率常数KM)的计算公式。

    Objective : To estimate the parameters ( distribution coefficient , metabolic velocity constant and elimination velocity constant ) based on the general physiologically based pharmacokinetics ( PBPK ) .

  6. 乙醇总是减缓酿酒酵母的生长代谢速率,当乙醇浓度达到完全抑制值KP时细胞就停止生长。

    Ethanol always slowed down the metabolism rate and inhibited growth of the yeast cell totally at the concentration of KP .

  7. 对培养过程中细胞贴壁过程、葡萄糖代谢速率、rHuEPO浓度及葡萄糖代谢速率与rHuEPO的浓度变化关系进行了实验研究分析和对比。

    The analysis and comparison of the anchorage of CHO cells , metabolic rates of glucose , expression concentration of rHuEPO and the relation between metabolic rate of glucose and expression concentration of rHuEPO for culturing CHO cells on three different carriers were experimentally carried out .

  8. 安坦对氯丙嗪在肝微粒体中代谢速率的影响

    Effect of artane on the rate of chlorpromazine metabolism in mouse liver microsomal system

  9. 该研究发现,女性的代谢速率明显低于男性。

    The study found that women had a significantly lower metabolic rate than men .

  10. 两性蛹的代谢速率都呈一典型的U型曲线。

    Change of metabolic rates of pupa follows the classic " U " - shaped pattern .

  11. 受影响的生物功能包括:代谢速率,激素分泌,体能状况,以及许多其他功能。

    Metabolic rates , hormone production , energy levels , and many other functions are affected .

  12. 所以,它们必然也有著爬行类的生理学,也就是典型的「冷血动物」,代谢速率很慢。

    So they must have had a reptilian physiology-that is , a typically cold-blooded , slow metabolism .

  13. 因此为了快递提高代谢速率,可在食物中加入一些辣椒或是炖菜时加点红辣椒末。

    For a quick boost , spice up pasta dishes , chili , and stews with red-pepper flakes .

  14. 起床之后的一个小时内吃早餐可以保持一整天高的代谢速率。

    Having yourbreakfast within an hour of waking up will keep the metabolic rate high throughout the day .

  15. 滤泡状甲状腺癌转移灶~(131)I的代谢速率

    Studies on ~ ( 131 ) I metabolic speed in the metastases of follicular differentiated thyroid cancer and its clinical significance

  16. 因此高代谢速率会增加细胞以及其内的核酸、白质与脂肪所受到的伤害。

    High metabolic rates thus lead to increased injury to cells and the nucleic acids , proteins and fats within them .

  17. 研究员发现冷水的冲击会提高代谢速率,从而减少疲劳感。

    And , researchers have found that the shock of a cold shower can increase your metabolic rate to cut down on feelings of fatigue .

  18. 其在血液和肌肉内代谢速率较快,有利于临床诊治肿瘤使用。

    The metabolic rates of the drug in blood and muscle were quite rapid , indicating it might be useful for clinical diagnosis and therapy of tumor .

  19. 雌、雄蛾在整个生活期间的代谢速率(微升O2/毫克鲜重/小时)都呈U型曲线变化,并有明显的昼夜节律。

    Metabolic rates (μ lO2 / mg wet weight / h ) of both females and males throughout their lives exhibited U-shaped curves and showed marked circadian rhythms .

  20. 代谢速率越快(就是用来建构及拆解骨质和其他组织的能量越多)组织的生长也就越快。

    The higher the metabolic rate - that is , the more energy devoted to building up and breaking down bone and other tissues - the faster the tissues will grow .

  21. 而且代谢速率慢的并变胖的人也不大可能从中受益,因为他们的肥胖会把他们推向因心脏病和中风,癌症而濒临死亡的危险。

    And people with a slow metabolism who become fat are also unlikely to benefit because their obesity puts them at greater risk of dying from heart disease , stroke and cancer .

  22. 在晚上,我们身体的新陈代谢是非常慢的,由于我们的身体与白天相比不活跃,因此可能需要外部的刺激来增加代谢速率。

    Metabolism of our body is very slow during night as our body is not active compared to day time and thus may need an external boost to increase the metabolism rate .

  23. 在多种生物体中都已证实,通过抑制PI3K/Akt信号通路,降低细胞代谢速率从而延缓细胞衰老。

    It has been proved that , in a variety of organisms , inhibition of PI3K / Akt signaling pathway decreases the rate of cell metabolism so as to delay cell senescence .

  24. 酶活性高,则有机碳分解代谢速率加快,反之,若酶活性受到抑制,则有机碳分解速率降低。

    High activity of enzymes will speed up the metabolic rate of organic carbon decomposition in wetland , on the other hand , the decomposition rate of organic carbon decreased when enzyme activity is inhibited .

  25. 而在环境恶劣之时,有些动物可以降低身体的代谢速率,以便减少食物的需求量;也许,北极的恐龙便采取类似的策略,们就不需要进入正式的冬眠状态了。

    But during times of environmental stress , some animals can lower their metabolic rates enough to reduce their need for food ; perhaps Arctic dinosaurs did something similar without reaching an official state of hibernation .

  26. 结果随着AgNO3浓度的增加,大肠埃希菌的生长代谢速率常数减小,生长峰后移。当AgNO3的浓度为0.7μg/ml时,抑制率达到100%。

    Results [ XC9K . TIF , JZ ] became smaller and the growth peak moved back with the increased concentration of AgNO_3 . The inhibitory ratio was 100 % when the concentration of glass sample was 0.7 μ g / ml.

  27. 在探讨发育速率与温度关系时,认为,(1)发育速率实际上是代谢速率的表现,从本质上说是由昆虫体内无数生化反应所决定的。

    When approaching the relationship between insect development rate and temperature , this paper suggests : ( 1 ) Development rate is in fact the manifestation of the metabolic rate . In essence , it is determined by all biochemical reactions in insect body .

  28. 服用松针提取液的小鼠血尿素氮含量明显低于其对照组,说明松针提取液可以降低运动小鼠体内蛋白质分解代谢速率,保持肌力,延缓运动性疲劳的发生。

    BUN of rats taking the extract of pine needles is obviously less than that of the control group , which shows that the extract of pine needles can slow down rats ' metabolism rate of proteolysis , hold myotome and delay exercise-induced fatigue .

  29. 进一步研究表明,疼痛患者脑脊液中阿片肽代谢和释放速率发生变化,佐剂关节炎模型大鼠中枢SP、CCK和MEK释放速率也发生改变并受反复电针的调节;

    Further studies revealed that in pain patients there was a plastic change in the release and metabolic rate of spinal opioid peptides .

  30. 干旱胁迫对小麦旗叶活性氧代谢及灌浆速率的影响

    Effect of drought stress on active oxygen metabolism of wheat flag leaf and filling rate