
suí jī xìng
  • randomness
随机性[suí jī xìng]
  1. 到目前为止,机器很难模仿创造力,它的任意程度让计算机无法预测,但也不仅仅是简单的随机性。

    So far , machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity , arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer , and yet more than simple randomness .

  2. Logistic混沌序列的随机性分析

    Analysis for randomness of the series generated by chaos Logistic system

  3. 我们的研究似乎是仅有的一个对2种术式前瞻性随机性研究

    Our study appears to be the only one a prospectively randomized investigation of 2 different surgeries .

  4. 静态的树的3D造型方法通常利用树的分形特征和随机性。

    Static approaches of modeling 3D tree generally utilize fractal features and stochastic features of tree .

  5. 本文说明了IC生产工艺的随机性及其给工艺控制和决策带来的困难。

    The stochastic nature of the IC fabrication process and the resulting difficulties in the process control are described .

  6. 针对模型中不确定参数的模糊随机性,利用模糊随机规划的方法和STEP多目标规划方法求解多目标模糊随机规划问题。

    Because of the fussy random parameters in the model , approaches of fussy random programming and STEP multi-objects programming are used to solve the multi-objects model with fussy random parameters .

  7. 蒙特卡罗法(MonteCarloMethod,MCM)是一种随机性模拟方法,在辐射换热计算中被广泛应用。

    Monte Carlo ( MC ) method is a sort of stochastic simulation method , which has been widely employed to solve radiative heat transfer .

  8. 考虑到太阳能的波动性和随机性对太阳电池阵列的影响,该模型具有最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)功能。

    Considering the solar fluctuation and randomness , the model possesses the MPPT function .

  9. sensorNetworks是ADHOC的一个重要方面的应用,其特点是节点分布广、随机性强、密度可预测。

    Sensor Networks is an important application of ADHOC , it is characterized by wild distribution , strong randomicity and density of predictability of node .

  10. 优化MISTY型结构的伪随机性

    Pseudorandomness of Optimal MISTY-Type Structure

  11. 目前,采用随机性分析方法计算不规则波对海洋结构物作用时一般均采用Airy波理论,并未考虑波浪非线性的影响。

    The Airy wave theory is usually adopted in the calculation of the wave force with neglecting the influence of non-linear wave .

  12. Hurst指数能描述时间序列波动的标度属性,能判断时间序列的非随机性,它的大小反映时间序列持续性或反持续性的强弱。

    Hurst exponent could describe scale feature of time series fluctuation and estimate its non-randomness . Its value can reflect the strength of the persistent or anti-persistent .

  13. 该模型采用小波变换对月度CO2排放数据进行分解,在剔除随机性波动后,用RBF网络和混合模型分别对规律性波动趋势和长期增长趋势进行建模预测。

    This model used the wavelet transform to decompose the trend data . After eliminating the stochastic series , the rising trend and the periodic waves were modeled by the hybrid model and the RBF neural networks , separately .

  14. 然后,同时考虑固体推进剂力学性能参数和载荷的随机性,结合Monte-Carlo技术对弹性约束的圆柱形中孔药柱进行了随机分析。

    Secondly , randomicity of solid propellant mechanics properties and loads was all considered , at the same time stochastic analysis of a hollow cylindrical grain with elastic restraint was presented by combining Monte-Carlo technique .

  15. 同时,依据混沌模型Logistic方程的遍历性、随机性等特点,研究混沌优化方法在灰色非线性水环境规划中的应用。

    Moreover , integrated with the Logistic equation of chaos theory including the characteristics of ergodicity , randomness , regularity and the sensitivity of chaos , this paper tried to use the method of chaotic optimization to solve the gray non-linear programming problem .

  16. 广义自缩序列是基于LFSR的一类非常规钟控的序列,具有良好的伪随机性,可以用作加密时的密钥流。

    Generalized self-shrinking sequences is a class of sequence , which is based on LFSR , with irregularly clocked , and it has good pseudo-randomness .

  17. 在交通网络和数据网络中,网络特征(如弧的权值、结点耗费等)既具有随机性又具有时间依赖性,这样的网络称之为随机时间依赖网络,简记为STD网络。

    A stochastic and time-dependent network ( i.e. STD network ) is a network where arc travel times are random variables with time-dependent probability distributions . Stochastic and time-dependent properties are found in many modern communication and transportation systems .

  18. 方法:采用单克隆抗体一步法和顺序特异引物聚合酶链反应技术(PCR-SSP),对78例肾移植受者进行随机性HLA-A、B、DR位点配型。

    Methods : HLA A , B , DR matching by one step monoclonal antibody and polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers ( PCR SSP ) were made for 78 randomly selected donor recipients of cadaveric renal transplantation .

  19. 利用混沌运动的遍历性、随机性、规律性等特点,本文提出一种混沌PID控制方法,并把它应用到GJ型光辐射加热炉的温度控制中。

    By use of the properties of ergodicity , stochastic property , and " regularity " of chaos , in this paper , a chaos PID control method is proposed and successfully applied to the temperature Control of GJ ray radiation heating furnace .

  20. 对于玉米现实生产力而言,由随机性因素引起的空间异质性占总空间异质性的38.9%,且主要体现在5km以内的小尺度上;

    For the actual productivity of maize , the proportion of spatial heterogeneity caused by stochastic factors were 38.9 % of the total spatial heterogeneity , and was found at scale less than 5 km .

  21. 喷丝板孔径的大小影响POY的拉伸性能和拉伸应力的变化。后拉伸倍数低和应力波动大是造成随机性僵丝和毛丝的主要原因之一,对染色性亦有影响。

    The hole size of spinneret influences the POY 's drawing performance and stress in drawing , the low post-drawing ratio and strong fluctuation of stress are the main causes of random tight spots and naps in the yarn also the uneven dyeing .

  22. 对2个表型突变菌株和rep-PCR图谱差异性较大的2个致病性突变菌株进行RFLP分析,结果表明:突变体中均已插入质粒,但转化质粒在M131中整合具有一定的随机性。

    Rep-PCR and RFLP analyses were done to study the mutation on molecular level and the integration sites of the plasmid DNA in the four mutants . Result showed that plasmid was inserted in all mutants and the conformity was random .

  23. DTN网络由于节点分布的稀疏性、节点移动的随机性、消息通信的不确定性使得网络拓扑频繁变化、通信链路经常中断、传输延迟相对较长,直接影响DTN网络的性能。

    Due to the sparse distribution of the DTN nodes , the randomness of node mobility and the uncertainty of communication , the network topology frequently changes , communication links are often interrupted and the propagation delay is relatively long , which directly affect the DTN network performance .

  24. 台风运动内在随机性的研究

    Study of the randomness inherent in the movement of a typhoon

  25. 有限期延迟交货的随机性库存系统的仿真模型

    A simulation model of a stochastic inventory system with time-limited Back-orders

  26. 系统分析中的灰色性方法与随机性方法之比较

    A Comparision between Grey Method and Random Method in Systems Analysis

  27. 第二,它是一种具有高度的随机性、风险性、不可预测性的技术。

    Secondly , it is Random , risky and unpredictable technology .

  28. 物质运动的随机性及其信息测度

    Randomness of the Motion of Matter and Its Information Measure

  29. 岩石破坏过程具有随机性。

    Random failure is a typical character of rock under external load .

  30. 检验0,1数字序列随机性的多重异或法

    Multiple XOR method for testing randomness of 0,1 digital sequence