
shānɡ zēnɡ yuán lǐ
  • principle of entropy increase
  1. 对热力学熵增原理的认识

    Understanding about the Principle of Entropy Increase in Thermodynamics

  2. 利用耗散结构的熵增原理来释权食品腐败变质的机制

    Commentate the mechanism of food decay with the principle of entropy increase of dissipative structure theory

  3. 脊椎病形成生物力学机制及其生命系统的熵增原理

    Biological mechanics mechanism of spondylodynia formation and the " entropy increase principle "

  4. 热力学中最小熵增原理在流体力学中的应用

    The application of minimum entropy generation principle to the thermodynamics in fluid mechanics

  5. 在此基础上,进一步分析了熵增原理的物理本质。

    On this basis the physical essence of entropy increase theory is further analysed .

  6. 熵增原理在教学中一个值得注意的问题

    A considerable problem concerning principle of entropy increasing

  7. 基于熵增原理的供暖方式舒适性节能性分析

    Analysis of energy saving and thermal comfort in heating mode based on entropy principle

  8. 熵增原理的物理本质

    Physical essence of entropy increase theory

  9. 从熵增原理看循证医学蕴涵

    Entropy principle in evidence-based medicine

  10. 本文还从逻辑学的角度对热力学的一些结论作了考察,指出某些条件的非必要性,并给出了熵增原理等一些重要结论的充分必要条件。

    The sufficient and necessary conditions for some conclusions such as that of entropy increasing principle are given .

  11. 利用热力学熵增原理解释生物体系自组织现象的非平衡态。

    The appearance of self-made tissue in living beings system are explained using thermodynamics law of increase of entropy .

  12. 本文运用热力学第二定律熵增原理和火用理论,分析人类、能源和环境的关系。

    In this dissertation , The relation of human , energy and environment is analysed with the principle of entropy increasing and the theory of exergy of thermodynamics .

  13. 其次,对海洋灾害的分类与形成原因进行了分析,剖析了海洋灾害的特性,指出了发生过程中的突变机制、放大机制和熵增原理。

    Secondly , it analyses the classification , cause and characteristics of marine disasters , points put the mutation mechanism , zoom mechanism and the principle of entropy .

  14. 确定了熵增原理的适用范围,进而提出了一个关于运动物质演化规律的完整表述。

    The scope that the priciple of entropy increase is suited has been determined , and the proceed a complete representation for the law of evolution of motional substance .

  15. 本文运用非平衡态热力学中最小熵增原理,分析了层流和湍流流动在接近热力学平衡定态时的特性。

    The present paper has analysed the characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow getting near constant states of equilibrium with the fundamental principle , minimum entropy generation in non-equilibrium thermodynamics .

  16. 介绍了“热寂论”的提出,在此基础上,多角度讨论熵增原理,确定热力学第二定律的使用范围,进而对“热寂论”作了判断。

    This paper analyzes the entropy increase theory in different respects , determines the application scope of the second law of thermodynamics and makes a judgment on " heat death theory " .

  17. 本文分析了基于复杂性科学的熵增原理与耗散结构理论在企业管理系统中的本质和意义,建立了企业管理耗散结构的形成模型;

    In this paper , the authors analyze the nature and the meaning of entropy theory and dissipation structure in enterprise management system , and set up enterprise management dissipation structure forming model .