
  • 网络Entropy Coding;CABAC;VLC;entropy encode
  1. 依照处理芯片的硬件结构,采用DSP的优化函数&内联函数对熵编码进行优化。

    According to the hardware structure of DSP chip , entropy coding is optimized by intrinsics .

  2. JPEG标准中熵编码模块的硬件实现

    Hardware implementation of entropy coding in JPEG

  3. 基于熵编码加密的MPEG视频加密算法研究

    MPEG Video Encryption Algorithm Based on Entropy Encoding and Encryption

  4. 并根据提升小波系数的特点,结合基于Context模型的熵编码,提出了一种新的无失真图象编码方案。

    According to the feature of lifting wavelet coefficients , this paper presents a novel lossless image coding system by combining integral lifting wavelet with context modeling .

  5. 该协议将预测编码、DCT变换编码和熵编码相结合实现对视频数据的压缩,并规定了编码器的总体结构和数据格式。

    The H.263 protocol integrates the prediction coding DCT transform coding and entropy coding to realize the compression for video data .

  6. 指数哥伦布码是AVS视频压缩标准中熵编码的重要组成部分。

    The exponential-Golomb code is a important part of entropy encoding in AVS video compression standard .

  7. 运动矢量加密利用误差积累实现加密,DCT系数加密是在编码传输前对DCT系数进行加密,熵编码加密利用熵编码码表进行加密达到加密效果。

    For the coefficients of DCT , encryption is conducted before data transmission . Finally , entropy coding table is used to perform encryption .

  8. H.26L标准论述以及熵编码的研究与分析

    H.26L Standard ′ s Discussion and Study of Entropy Coding

  9. 该方法对熵编码的结构进行了改进,避开了传统方法中占用大量DSP周期的条件判断。优化后伪起始码的检测次数明显降低。

    This method modifes the structure of entropy coding so it avoids a lot of conditional judgements which take up plenty of DSP cycles , and thus the number of detection is reduced obviously .

  10. H.26L中熵编码原理分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Entropy Coding in H.26L

  11. 接下来提出有效的量化方法等对文本层内容进行预处理,然后采用PNG作为熵编码方法。

    The textual layer is preprocessed with proposed quantization scheme , followed by PNG as entropy coder .

  12. 通过对处理的数据使用如Huffman编码或者代数编码等熵编码技术能够获得更多的压缩。

    More compression can be attained by encoding the processed data using an entropy coding technique like Huffman coding or Arithmetic coding .

  13. 首先系统介绍了包括帧间、帧内预测,整数DCT变换,熵编码等编码关键技术。

    First of all , the paper introduces the technology of video CODEC , including inter-prediction , intra prediction , integer DCT transform , entropy encoding and so on .

  14. 在这个算法中,我们将屏幕图像编码端除熵编码以外的所有计算模块都转移至GPU中以有效的利用GPU强大的并行计算能力。

    In this algorithm , we leveraged all the computing modules except the entropy coder into the GPU in order to utilize the parallelism of GPU .

  15. 其中,最为重要的是研究了适合在GPU上实现的可并行DCT变换方法,并且对于熵编码,也分析了Huffman编码方法。

    Most important of all , the paper studies the parallel DCT transformation which can be applied based on GPU and analyzes the parallel Huffman coding method .

  16. 他的熵编码方案采纳了基于上下文的自适应二进制算术编码(CABAC)。

    Its designation of entropy coding adopts Contextbased Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding ( CABAC ) .

  17. 一个是纵向发展,即应用Shannon信息论和信号处理理论发展波形编码技术,进一步挖掘预测、变换、熵编码的潜力;

    That is to develop the waveform coding technique by applying Shannon information theory and signal processing principles so as to improve the performance of prediction coding , transform coding and entropy coding .

  18. 因为Signifi-canceMap和MSB符号流中存在较强相关性,提出了简单有效的Context模型对它们进行熵编码。

    At the same time , the MSB represents the extent of non-zero coefficients . Because of the high correlation in the Significance Map and the MSB , simple and effective context model is presented for entropy coding .

  19. H.26采用具体的技术如下:帧内和帧间预测编码、可变块大小、多帧运动估计、整数DCT变换和新的熵编码方法等。

    Include intra and inter-frame predictive coding , variable block size , multi-frame motion estimation , integer DCT transform and entropy coding methods . 4 .

  20. 重点剖析了AVS尺度在整数DCT变换,帧内预测和熵编码方面跟MPEG-2的不同,并结合AVS尺度改入了DNW算法,设计和开发出了原型体系。

    Analysis focused on the AVS standard integer DCT , intra prediction and entropy coding connection with the MPEG-2 , AVS combined with improved DNW algorithm design and development of a practical system .

  21. 为了实现对DEM数据高效、高精度的压缩,笔者提出利用具有线性相位的双正交小波变换以及混合熵编码方法(Huffman编码加游程编码)对山区格网DEM数据进行压缩。

    In order to implement higher efficient compression , the authors put forward biorthogonal wavelet ( with linear phase ) transformation and mixed entropy coding method ( Huffman coding and Run-length coding ) for compressing the grid DEM data of mountain area .

  22. 本文研究了一种全数字化HDTV传输系统图像信源编码方案。将运动补偿帧间预测,离散余弦变换编码和二维熵编码技术结合起来,通过对码率的自适应调节,实现HDTV图像信号的压缩编玛。

    A video source coding scheme for all-digital HDTV transmission system is described in this paper , which is based on motion-compensated interframe prediction , DCT and two-dimensional entropy coding , applying adaptive rate control , implementing bit-rate reduction of HDTV video signals .

  23. 在继承现有视频标准分块变换、运动估计/补偿、量化和熵编码等成熟技术的基础上,H.26L采用了多种新技术,保证了编码的有效性。

    On the basis of mature techniques such as transform on block , motion estimation / compensation , quantization and entropy coding , H 26L employs some new techniques , which ensure the coding efficiency .

  24. 在该标准中,规定了两种熵编码的模式,即基于上下文的自适应二进制算术编码(Context-bsaedAdaptiveBinaryArithmeticCoding,CABAC)和基于上下文自适应可变长编码(Context-bsaedAdaptiveVariable-LengthCoding,CAVLC)。

    The standard specifies two types of entropy coding : Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding ( CABAC ) and Context-bsaed Adaptive Variable-Length Coding ( CAVLC ) .

  25. 最后,针对小波变换处理图像方向特征的不足,探讨了Bandelet变换在遥感图像压缩中的应用,主要研究了Bandelet变换结合算术熵编码的压缩方案。

    Finally , to solve the shortage of wavelet transform , the Bandelet transform used in remote sensing image compression is described . The scheme with Bandelet transform and arithmetic entropy is mainly analyzed .

  26. 在第四章中从不同的方面对CCSDS算法的性能进行了分析,包括该算法在小波级数的选取、有无熵编码和抗误码性能等方面该算法的独特之处。

    Meanwhile , the performance of CCSDS algorithm is analyzed in varies aspects in chapter 4 , including how to decide the wavelet level , whether the entropy encoding is necessary or not and the ability to correct the error bit .

  27. 实验表明,此种基于概率更新的混合熵编码(PUAHC)算法的编码效率和编码复杂度皆介于UVLC和CABAC之间。

    Experiment results demonstrate that both of the coding efficiency and computational complexity of this probability updating-based adaptive hybrid coding ( PUAHC ) were between UVLC and CABAC .

  28. 与经典的JPEG-LS算法比较,在压缩时间大致相当的前提下,大幅提高了压缩比,经熵编码后可达到2.9以上。

    JPEG-LS with the classical method , compared with roughly the same in compression time under the premise of a substantial increase in the compression ratio can be achieved by the entropy encoded more than 2.9 .

  29. 采取如上改进措施以后,论文所实现的参数音频编解码系统在不使用熵编码的情况下,可在24Kbps/ch的码率下实现对44.1KHz/48KHz采样音频信号的参数音频编码。按照ITU-RBS。

    With all these models ' help , the proposed parametric audio coding system can achieve an average bitrate of 24Kbps / ch for audio signals sampled at 44.1KHz/48KHz with a good subjective quality .

  30. 相对于其他熵编码而言,基于上下文的自适应二进制算术熵编码(CABAC)具有更大的数据压缩率,但由于其运算复杂,访问存储设备频繁,导致编/解码率较低。

    Comparing to other entropy coding standard , CABAC ( context adaptive binary arithmetic coding ) has more significant enhancement in compression . However , its encoding / decoding efficiency is low due to calculation complexity and costs in memory access .