
  1. 基于完全笛卡尔坐标的多体系统微分-代数方程符号线性化方法

    Symbolic linearization of differential / algebraic equation for multibody system based on fully Cartesian coordinates

  2. 解离散时间代数Riccati方程的符号函数法

    A Sign Function Method for Discrete Time Algebraic Riccati Equation

  3. 本文讨论了Riccati和Lyapunov矩阵代数方程解的矩阵符号函数算法,证明了牛顿迭代公式对矩阵符号函数的收敛性。

    In this paper , a discussion is devoted to an algorithm for solving the Riccati and Lyapunov matrix algebraic equations via matrix sign function , and a Proof is given to the Convergence of Newton iteration and accelerated Newton iteration to matrix sign function .