
  • The Substitute;supply teacher;sub;substitute teacher, mainly used in American English
  1. 他们都反对这个代课教师。

    They all ganged up against the substitute teacher .

  2. 代课教师试图运用她的心理学知识。

    A substitute teacher was trying to make use of her psychology background .

  3. 其次,要给予代课教师更多的人文关怀;

    Secondly more humanistic concern should be given to temporary teachers ;

  4. 这位代课教师是为生病的老师代课的。

    The supply teacher provides cover for teachers who are sick .

  5. 第二部分代课教师的工作、生活透视。

    The second part concerns retained-teacher 's work , the life clairvoyance .

  6. 靖远县代课教师的存在除全国共同的原因外,还有其地方特点。

    In addition to common reason , it has its local characteristics .

  7. 第三部分靖远县代课教师的产生原因。

    The third part analyzes the origin about retained-teacher of Jingyuan County .

  8. 代课教师:教师专业化的难点

    Temporary Teacher : The Difficulties of Teacher Professionalism

  9. 六年级来了一名新代课教师。

    Sixth grade to a new substitute teachers .

  10. 沃罗达斯基曾是高中代课教师。

    Wolodarsky was a high school substitute teacher .

  11. 为了解决代课教师问题,本文在此基础上提出了四个方面的可行的建议。

    This article proposes four feasible proposals .

  12. 广东省委书记表示,该省的代课教师今后的道路将是喜忧参半。

    Substitute teachers will have a mixed future in Guangdong , the provincial Party secretary said .

  13. 甘肃省农村小学代课教师现状的调查研究

    A Study on the Temporary Teachers in the Village Primary Schools in Linxia District of Gansu Province

  14. 通过调查与深入访谈,描述了靖远县代课教师的现状特点,揭示了代课教师工作、生活的现实情况。

    From the investigation and the interview , it describes their present characteristics , and realistic circumstances .

  15. 这说明了代课教师已然成为一个社会性的问题,成为社会关注的一个特殊群体。

    This shows that the substitute teachers become a social problem and a special group of social concern .

  16. 当他们的老师不在,来了一位代课教师时,孩子们都不听话了。

    When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute , the children kicked over the traces .

  17. 建立代课教师制度促进西部农村义务教育发展

    Setting up a Substitute Teacher System to Promote the Development of Compulsory Education in the Western Rural Areas

  18. 代课教师的产生有它的现实性,应该承认其合法性。

    The existence of substitute teachers is the result of reality which should be acknowledged by the law .

  19. 代课教师是教师队伍中的一个特殊群体,它存在于广大的农村地区。

    Temporary teacher is a special part of teacher s. It is existed in the vast rural area .

  20. 代课教师的身份问题给他们带来了物质和精神层面的不平等待遇和相对剥夺感。

    The status of substitute teachers do bring them the material and spiritual dimensions of inequality and relative deprivation .

  21. 从而探讨代课教师问题,希望能给教育行政部门、学校以对策和建议。

    Thus this inquiry into temporary teachers ' problems hopes to give education administration section , school strategies and suggestions .

  22. 论述农村代课教师问题,从中挖掘教育实践中的不足,特别是农村基础教育。

    Discusses the issue of substitute teachers , from lack of mining development in education , particularly in rural basic education .

  23. 但是根据我国教育对教师资格的要求,代课教师还有相当大的差距。

    But according to the request of teacher 's qualifications in China , temporary teachers still have many aspects to be improved .

  24. 在上世纪八十年代之后,代课教师大量产生,并有逐年增加的趋势。

    After 1980s in the last century , a large number of substitute teachers are appeared , and there is a rising trend .

  25. 论师资障碍与寻求合理的代课教师解决途径&对西部农村代课教师问题的思考

    Discussion of Barrier on Teachers and Seeking a Reasonable Approaches to Substitute Teachers & Reflection on the Questions about Substitute Teachers in Western Countryside

  26. 贫困地区中小学教师队伍的总体现状是:教师数量不足,分布不平衡,代课教师比例过高,教学水平偏低,教师队伍的整体素质不高。

    In impoverished areas , the quantity of teachers is inadequate , and the distribution of teachers is unbalanced , the total quality is low .

  27. 因为代课教师产生与发展是教师供需与教师政策博弈的结果。

    Because the production and development of substitute teachers is the result of game between supply and demand of teachers and the policies of teachers .

  28. 近几年两会期间,代课教师问题成为教育界代表提案的主要内容。

    In recent years , during the two sessions , substitute teachers become into the main contents of proposals of the representatives of the education sector .

  29. 代课教师大量出现在八十年代停止招民办教师之后,在1997年突破了100万,达到了顶峰。

    In 1980s a large number of substitute teachers , which in 1997 exceeded one million , and reached its peak , appeared after stopping stocking private teachers .

  30. 构成代课教师群体的社会身份呈现多元趋势,追逐经济利益是根本动因,地区间、不同城市间的代课教师生存境遇差异较大。

    The members who pursue the personal interests have complex social identities which shows diverse trends . There are great differences in living circumstances between regions and cities .