
  • Sales;Shopping Guide;shop assistant
  1. 导购员只是在做她的本职工作她不会把你的拒绝当做针对她个人的,并且你也不应该这么觉得。

    The sales assistant is just doing her job she doesn 't take a no personally and you shouldn 't either .

  2. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  3. 针对G品牌运营状况,根据绩效管理与激励理论,结合对店长/业务经理深度访谈和导购员问卷调研的结果,探索适合G品牌服装导购员绩效管理系统与激励机制。

    Constucting performance management and motivation system of fashion advisors suitable to brand G according to performance management and motivation theory , combined with former studies of depth interview of store managers or business directors and questionnaires of fashion advisors .

  4. 我们这里的导购员,每人至少都会三四种外语。

    Every sell-conductor here can say at least three of four languages .

  5. 图书销售中应充分发挥导购员的主体作用历史要籍介绍及其选读课教学的回顾与探索

    Give Full Play to the Principal Function of Purchasing Guide in Books Marketing A Research and Review on Teaching of Principal Chinese Ancient Books and Records Introduction and Readings

  6. 来到三楼丝绸专卖区,卖丝巾的导购员杨小姐和她的伙伴们,正在用流利的英语向路过的老外兜售自己的丝巾。

    Miss Yang , a sell-conductor of silk scarf , and her partner , were selling scarf to pass by foreigners in fluent English in special sell district on the third floor .

  7. 因此,为了提升顾客的购物体验留住顾客,进而提高销售量,电子商务门户网站需要一个像商场导购员一样专业的网络机器导购员来引导顾客购物,帮助顾客挑选满意的商品。

    Therefore , in order to enhance the customer shopping experience and thereby to increase sales , the e-commerce portal need a guide as a professional guide in Shop to help customers to choose the goods with satisfied by them .