
dài wèi jì chéng
  • representation;succession by subrogation
  1. 中国和朝鲜作为社会主义国家,两国的法定财产继承制度在法定继承的范围、顺序的继承份额,代位继承制度,法定继承权的丧失等方面具有很多共同点,但也存在着一些差异。

    China and DPRK , as two socialist countries , share both similarities and differences in the legitimate inheritance system , such as the legitimate scope of inheritance , share in inheritance hierarchy , representation system , abolition of the right of inheritance , etc.

  2. 第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。

    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child , the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation .

  3. 论完善我国代位继承制度的现实思考

    On the perfection of subrogation thinking the reality of the succession system

  4. 关于代位继承的两点立法建议

    Legislative Suggestions Concerning the Inherit in Subrogation

  5. 代位继承人一般只能继承他的父亲或者母亲有权继承的遗产份额。

    Descendants who inherit in subrogation generally shall take only the share of the estate their father or mother was entitled to .

  6. 完善建议:推定为同时死亡,彼此之间不发生继承,由各自的继承人继承,并且允许晚辈直系血亲代位继承。

    Improvement suggestions : presumed die at the same time , each other do not happen inheritance , and allow the younger generation lineal generation inherited .

  7. 代位继承和转继承都属于继承制度中的特殊形态,在继承制度中都有着举足轻重的地位,两者既有相同又有不同之处,在实践中常常需要加以区分。

    Subrogation inheritance and transfer inheritance are both special forms of inheritance system and have pivotal position . There are similarities and differentiae between the two , and in practice , they need to be distinguished .