
ɡāo jí kuài jì shī
  • senior accountant
  1. 我现在是悉尼一家知名会计事务所的高级会计师。

    I am currently working as a senior accountant in a well-known accounting firm based in Sydney .

  2. 王先生大学主修经济专业本科,并在上海财经大学修毕高级会计师研究班课程。

    William Wang majored in economics during his university and got his post-graduate qualification of senior accountant from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics .

  3. 四大会计师事务所的一位高级会计师称这一建议“完全不合理”。

    One senior big four accountant called this suggestion " completely disproportionate " .

  4. 激励、识别与职业能力框架&兼谈我国高级会计师考评结合制度

    Incentive , Identify and Professional Competence Framework & Discussion on Test and Assessment system of professional accountant

  5. 论企业会计人员职业能力与培养激励、识别与职业能力框架&兼谈我国高级会计师考评结合制度

    On Professional Ability and Cultivation of Enterprises ' Accountants Incentive , Identify and Professional Competence Framework & Discussion on Test and Assessment system of professional accountant

  6. 中钢协高级会计师兼副秘书长屈秀丽表示,一些难以完成税收目标的城市向钢厂额外征税、以获得更多资金。

    Cities struggling to meet tax revenue targets had turned to additional taxes on mills to extract more funds , said Qu Xiuli , CISA senior accountant and deputy secretary-general .