
hán xuān
  • Greetings;small talk;a year;exchange conventional greetings;exchange of amenities;winter and summer
寒暄 [hán xuān]
  • [exchange of conventional greetings] 问寒问暖。今多泛指宾主见面时谈天气冷暖之类的应酬话(暄:温暖)

  • 地气反寒暄,天时倒杀生。--白居易《桐花》

  1. 我们之间甚至连礼貌的寒暄都没有了。

    We couldn 't even have a civilized conversation any more .

  2. 互致寒暄之后,他们便开始严肃的讨论了。

    After exchanging the usual pleasantries , they got down to serious discussion .

  3. 他就宾馆和天气寒暄了几句。

    He exchanged pleasantries about his hotel and the weather .

  4. 波拉德在寒暄中开始了谈话。

    Pollard opened the conversation with some small talk .

  5. 对这种寒暄应该回答说“没有什么需要了”。

    The correct answer to the query is " nothing " .

  6. 卡杜奇认为,这种归属感的培养始于寒暄。

    Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk .

  7. 不过,仔细想想,寒暄可不是什么小事。

    However , when you think about it , small talk is anything but small .

  8. 我们会开始寒暄,那是一段谈论交通或天气的礼貌对话。

    We start with small talk , a polite conversation about something like traffic or weather .

  9. 但下次你和陌生的人们待在一起时,可以想到寒暄并不麻烦。

    But the next time you find yourself among strangers , consider that small talk is worth the trouble .

  10. 我们很容易忽视寒暄的意义,但需要记住如果没有这些随意的对话,深厚的感情也就不复存在了。

    Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy , but we can 't forget that deep relationships wouldn 't even exist if it weren 't for casual conversation .

  11. 这也就是这个短语出现的缘由。如果在节目中加入一些具有争议性或者比较刺激的内容,那么第二天茶水间寒暄的开场白可能就会是:“你看了/听说昨晚那…事儿了吗?”

    That 's the idea underlying content into a show , and the next day the watercooler conversations will begin with the phrase " Did you see / hear last night 's episode of X ? "

  12. 汉英寒暄语比较研究&从汉语你吃了吗?与英语HELLO谈起

    The Comparative Study of Chinese and English Phatic Communion Based on ni chi le ma ? in Chinese and HELLO in English

  13. 交际语(phaticexpression),又称寒暄语或应酬语,是由Malinowski首次提出。

    Phatic expression , also called phatic communion , is first proposed by Malinowski .

  14. 寒暄语(PhaticCommunion),又称应酬语,是由著名的社会人类学家Malinowski在1923年研究语言功能时首次提出来的。

    Phatic communion was first introduced by famous social anthropologist Malinowski ( 1923 ) when he was studying functions of language .

  15. 早在19世纪中期,JohnHughlingsJackson就注意到,有些不能构建新话语的失语症患者却能流利地背诵韵文、祷文和日常寒暄语。

    As far back as in the middle of the 19th century , John Hughlings Jackson noticed that some aphasics who could not produce novel utterances were nonetheless able to recite , in a fluent manner , rhymes , prayers and routine greetings .

  16. HPA-4与日本人差异显著(P<0.05)。但这些看似简单、习以为常的寒暄语,却不同程度地反映了日本人在使用过程中的复杂心理和性格特征,也折射出日本文化的方方面面。

    Comparison of gene frequencies of alleles from HPA-4 system showed significant differences between Chinese Han population in Shenzhen and Japanese people ( P < 0 . 05 ) . But these simple expressions reflect the mixed psychology , personality and culture of the Japanese people .

  17. 寒暄几句之后,他们谈起了正事。

    After a few civilities , they got down to business .

  18. 除了寒暄之外,要谈的东西很多。

    There 's so much to talk about besides small talk .

  19. 他停下来与罗兰寒暄(了一会)

    He stopped to pass the time of day with Roland .

  20. 迈克快速地与她擦身而过,连一句寒暄都没有。

    Mike quickly brushed past her without any sort of salutation .

  21. 寒暄笑谈之后,我们开始做正事。

    After some pleasant talk , we got down to business .

  22. 他在我身旁停下脚步,跟家人寒暄起来。

    He stopped right mest to me to greet his family .

  23. 单词解释:礼貌谦恭这两个人彼此寒暄了一下,然后言归正传。

    eg.The two men exchanged courtesies before getting down to business .

  24. 在听众到场时,和他们打个招呼寒暄一下。

    Greet some of the audience members as they arrive .

  25. 我们相互寒暄了几句有关工作和天气的套话。

    We exchanged a few commonplaces about our work and the weather .

  26. 领导人互相寒暄一番,然后开始谈判。

    After an exchange of pleasantries , the leaders started their negotiations .

  27. 嗯,寒暄够了,我在洛杉矶。

    Well , enough small talk . I 'm in Los angeles .

  28. 英汉寒暄语对比与翻译

    The Contrastive Study of E / C Phatic Language and Their Translation

  29. 当这些寒暄过去后,他们就开始讨论天气了。

    And after those words , they often talk about the weather .

  30. 中国人多习惯用寒暄的语言。

    Chinese used to use the language more than greeting .