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hán lù
  • Cold Dew (17th solar term)
寒露 [hán lù]
  • [Cold Dew (17th solar term)] 农历二十四节气之一,在10月8日或9日

寒露[hán lù]
  1. 可见,寒露期间,全国各地都可以明显感觉到季节的变化。

    The turn of seasons is obviously felt all over the country after the day of Cold Dew .

  2. 同时,旱秧无土抛栽的播种至始穗历期比其余各处理要长,为避免寒露风等秋季冷害,适当早播早植以提早抽穗期值得注意。

    We also found that the duration from seeding to heading was longer for soilless broadcasting of dry raised seedlings than other treatments , implying early seeding and planting should be recommended to avoid chilling injury of cold dew wind in the autumn .

  3. 初步分析了寒露风与太平洋海温、500hPa位势高度的一些相关区。

    The coefficient fields of height of 500 hPa and sea surface temperature of Pacific Ocean are analyzed .

  4. 寒露风灾害评估的空间分析模型研究

    The space analysis model of " cold-dew " wind disaster evaluation

  5. 清早凝结着寒露,冷彻了我的额角

    The dew of the morning , sank chill on my brow

  6. 广西秋季寒露风的气候变化分析

    Climatic Variation Analysis Of Cold Dews Wind Weather In Autumn In Guangxi

  7. 常年寒露期间,华南雨量亦日趋减少。

    Perennial Cold Dews , the rainfall in southern China has increasingly reduced .

  8. 朝起寒露重,

    The dew of the morning ,

  9. 早晨的寒露

    The dew of the morning

  10. 江西近50年寒露风演变趋势及其对双季晚稻的影响

    Evolution trend of COLD-DEW wind in recent 50 years in Jiangxi Province and its influence on late double-harvest rice

  11. 在寒露风发生期间,通过建立逐日温度的空间计算模型,应用地理信息系统计算了江西省小网格逐日温度分布情况;

    Space models of daily temperature are established during the cold-dew wind period , so sub-grid temperature distribution in Jiangxi province is mapped in accordance with the geographic information system .

  12. 呵,那一刻正预兆了我今日的悲痛。清早凝结着寒露,冷彻了我的额角-是对我此刻的警告,悲伤在今天。

    Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this . The dew of the morning Sank chill on my brow - It felt like the warning Of what I feel now .

  13. 在高原地区,寒露前后是雪害最严重的季节之一,积雪阻塞交通,危害畜牧业生产,应该注意预防。

    In highland regions , before and after the Cold Dews snow victims of the worst seasons of snow blocking traffic and endanger livestock production , we should pay attention to prevention .

  14. 白露告诉人们开始下露水,天气就要冷了。寒露表明露水已重,天寒加剧。

    The White Dew tells people that dew appears in the morning to show that the weather is turning cold , and , as this intensifies , we move on to the Cold Dew .

  15. 厄尼诺年易出现春、秋季异常低温,春季多倒春寒,秋季寒露风日数偏多;

    In the year of El Nin ~ o , the abnormal low temperature occurs in spring and autumn , cases of cold spell in later spring are more , and days of cold dew wind in autumn are more .

  16. 另外,霜(冰)冻、低温阴雨、强对流天气、高温天气、寒露风、寒潮等也造成了不同程度的影响。

    Moreover , the frost , the cold and raining weather , the strong convection weather , the scorching weather , chilly wind in autumn , the cold wave and so on have also had the influence in varying degrees .

  17. 寒露风危害晚稻的生理研究&Ⅰ、低温和弱光对花器官呼吸和同化产物运转及分配的影响

    Physiological Studies of the Low Temperature Injury on the Heading Stage of the Paddy Rice & ⅰ . Effects of Chilling Temperature and Low Light on Floral Organs and Distribution of Assimilates Labelled by ~ ( 14 ) C and ~ ( 32 ) P