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xiǎo xuě
  • snow flurries;Minor Snow (20th solar term);small snow;scouther
小雪 [xiǎo xuě]
  • (1) [Slight Snow (20th solar term)]∶中国农历中表明气候变化和农事季节的二十四节气之一。在11月22日或23日

  • (2) [small snow]∶24小时内降雪量小于或等于2.5毫米的雪

小雪[xiǎo xuě]
  1. 开始下小雪了。

    It began to snow lightly .

  2. 外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。

    Outside , a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow .

  3. 外面飘着小雪。

    Outside it was snowing slightly .

  4. 天气预报预示今夜有小雪。

    The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight .

  5. 到处都是勃勃的生机,甚至粘在草茎上的小雪球里,也会躺着一只小绿虫,如果你把它捅开的话。

    Everywhere you look is life ; even the little ball of spit on the weed stalk , if you poke it apart , has a green worm inside it .

  6. 小雪在Instagram上有近2万粉丝。

    Koyuki has nearly 20000 Instagram followers .

  7. 北京地区一次小雪天气过程造成路面交通严重受阻的成因分析

    An Analysis on Serious City Traffic Trouble Caused by Light Snow

  8. 当他们外出时,正下着一场小雪。

    When they went outside , a light snow was falling .

  9. 草上粘满泥污,一个个灰色小雪堆正在溶化。

    Muddy grass and small gray mounds of melting snow .

  10. 最妙的是下点小雪呀。

    Falling a little snow is the most subtle thing .

  11. 我们冲出屋外,去迎接最先降落的小雪片。

    We rushed out-of-doors to feel the first few tiny flakes descending .

  12. 见见小雪(Koyuki)吧!史上不爽喵星人之最。

    Meet Koyuki , the grumpiest cat of all .

  13. 小雪生活在有着冰城之称的哈尔滨。

    Xiao Xue lives in Harbin , known as the City of Ice .

  14. 我一直很期待今天这个美丽的春日午后,虽然下了点小雪。

    I was hoping for this beautiful spring afternoon , but a little snow .

  15. 小雪、大雪表示到了下雪的时节和雪量大小的差别。

    The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season .

  16. 哦,不,它们是零零星星的小雪。

    No , they are sporadic snowflakes .

  17. 在共同的爱好下,小雪与继母的关系融洽多了。

    Under the common interests , the relationship between snow and her stepmother gets better .

  18. 一阵短暂的小雪和风(或类似的东西)。

    A light brief snowfall and gust of wind ( or something resembling that ) .

  19. 小雪盖子在地面。1955年。

    Light snow cover on the ground.1955 .

  20. 小雪持续下着,大学如预计的那样在星期稍晚的时候来了,气象学家说。

    Light snow is continuing and heavier snow is expected late Wednesday , according to meteorologists .

  21. 小雪产后又回到学校上课。

    Snow postpartum return to school .

  22. 该男生以此威胁小雪每天给他喂奶喝。

    The boys as a threat of snow every day to give him to drink breast-feeding .

  23. 若是小雪过后,最美的要数那些落叶树了。

    But after a light fall , it is the deciduous trees that are the most beautiful .

  24. 大家现在知道我小雪公主多么热爱自己的祖国了吧?

    Not till now that everyone knows I am so in love with my motherland , right ?

  25. 这是一只生成在日本本州岛的小雪猴或者叫日本猕猴,它正在玩雪球。

    A snow monkey , or Japanese macaque , plays with a snowball on Honshu island in Japan .

  26. 家人还表示,小雪在高压环境下学习,且很少与外部世界进行沟通。

    The family also said Xiao Xue studied in a high-pressure environment and rarely communicated with the outside world .

  27. 爸爸结婚后让小雪从爷爷家搬回新家住。知道小雪要搬来新妈妈有些紧张。

    After the second marriage , the father lets Snow move from the grandfather 's home to the new home .

  28. 星期六在北京下了今年以来第一场大雪之后,星期天早上又下了一场小雪。

    It snowed lightly in Beijing early on Sunday morning after the first significant snow of the winter fell on Saturday .

  29. 玉树的夜间温度降到零下,周一下午还下起了小雪转雨夹雪。

    Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu , and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon .

  30. 塔妮亚以前只见过几场小雪,因为荷兰冬季降雪的季节恰好是北极熊冬眠的时候。

    Tania had seen snow before but only very little as it mostly falls in the Dutch winter , when polar bears hibernate .