
  • Little Boy;baby boy;The Boy
  1. “他仗势欺人!”小男孩突然大叫。

    ' He 's a bully ! ' the little boy burst out .

  2. 小男孩紧紧地搂着玩具熊。

    The little boy cuddled the teddy bear close .

  3. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。

    A small boy rode on the elephant 's back .

  4. 几个小男孩用石块打水漂。

    Small boys were skimming stones across the water .

  5. 那小男孩落在了父母的后面。

    The little boy lagged behind his parents .

  6. “砰!砰!你死了!”小男孩喊道。

    ‘ Bang , bang , you 're dead ! ’ shouted the little boy .

  7. 你知道小男孩们说下流话是什么样子。

    You know what little boys are like with naughty words .

  8. 我们散步的时候,这帮小男孩表现得很乖。

    The boys were as good as gold on our walk .

  9. 他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。

    He was accused of stealing a small boy 's bicycle

  10. 一个小男孩从3楼防火梯上摔了下来。

    A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape

  11. 小男孩受到的鼓励会增强他们的自信心。

    The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence

  12. 与其他小男孩相比,他挺好相处。

    He 's good company , as small boys go .

  13. 令他们吃惊的是,开车的居然是个6岁的小男孩。

    They were astonished to find the driver was a six-year-old boy .

  14. 令人伤心的是,5月23号,那个小男孩死了。

    On May 23rd , unhappily , the little boy died

  15. 一个小男孩跑上来,非常激动地拽着他的袖子。

    A little boy came running up and tugged at his sleeve excitedly

  16. 我看到小男孩正在奋力挣脱。

    I could see the young boy struggling to free himself

  17. 他们走近时,小男孩急忙跑开藏了起来。

    At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid

  18. 他是个生性活泼的小男孩。

    He was by nature a spirited little boy .

  19. 他还是个小男孩的时候我就认识他了。

    I knew him when he was a little boy

  20. 我女孩子气十足而波莉却像个小男孩。

    I 'm a very girlie person while Polly is one of the lads .

  21. 出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。

    Little boys , being what they are , might decide to play on it

  22. 小男孩玩耍时失足滑倒,被栏杆刺穿身体致死。

    The boy died after being impaled on railings when he slipped while playing .

  23. 她很有涵养,不想去伤害小男孩的感情。

    She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy 's feelings .

  24. 那小男孩惊得说不出话来。

    The little boy was speechless with shock

  25. 他是个瘦得皮包骨头的小男孩。

    He was quite a skinny little boy

  26. 他倾身伏在柜台上,一张脸几乎凑到小男孩的面前。

    He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy 's

  27. 我有一个8岁的小男孩。

    I have a little boy of 8

  28. 那个小男孩有点放肆,随随便便的。

    The boy was cheeky and casual

  29. 这个小男孩对此的记忆中有几段空白。他想忘掉某些事情。

    The boy has gaps in his mind about it . He is blotting certain things out

  30. 一个11岁的小男孩犯了入室盗窃罪。

    An 11-year-old boy committed a burglary