
pàng zi
  • the fat;fatty;fat person;stout;butterball;lardass
胖子 [pàng zi]
  • [fat person;fatty] 肥胖的人

胖子[pàng zi]
  1. 所有的事都是公平的,胖子比瘦子用更多的肥皂。

    All things being equal , a fat person uses more soap than a thin person .

  2. 现在我知道超模泰拉做节目,扮成胖子上街时的感觉了

    Now I know how Tyra felt when she went undercover as that fat person .

  3. 在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。

    I was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus .

  4. 英国很快就会变成胖子国。

    Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties .

  5. “再拿一个,胖子。”杰里说。

    ' Get another one , Fatty , ' said Jerry .

  6. 这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。

    Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties

  7. 他是个大腹便便的胖子,长着皱纹的脸很和善。

    He was a heavy man , paunchy , with a lined , kind face .

  8. 他是个大胖子。

    He is a bulky man .

  9. “我是队长,”一个敞着制服上衣的胖子说。

    " I 'm the captain , " said a fat man whose tunic was unbuttoned .

  10. 两个胖子挤在门道里。

    Two fat men wedged in a doorway .

  11. Holidaypounds指休假或者节假日期间额外增长的那部分体重,我们可以戏称为“假期胖子”。

    Holiday pounds refer to the extra little bit of weight you put on during a period of being on holiday or vacation .

  12. 看门人是个六十岁的矮胖子。

    The gateman was a stodgy fellow of 60 .

  13. 但是胖子认为他更有风度,因为无论什么时候他在车上给别人让座时,总有两位女士能坐下。

    But the fat man knew he was more courteous because , whenever he got up and offered his seat , two ladies could sit down .

  14. 我正好碰见造型部的高个子Paul和会计部的胖子Pat在聊天

    I just ran into tall Paul from Styles , who was talking to fat pat from announcing .

  15. n.绰号;昵称vt.给……取绰号他很肥,因此他得到了“胖子”绰号。

    nickname He got the nickname " fatty " because he was very fat .

  16. 有人也把Passport称作一款“平板手机”——尽管它的体型相比之下更像个“矮胖子”。

    The device has been called a " phablet , " the term for a tablet-like smartphone , though it is comparatively squat .

  17. 2.Peter说刚才坐在Tina旁边的那个大胖子还不错,可是Tina说那个大胖子在Tina身上靠了6个小时,可真够Tina受的了。

    Peter : The obese man you sat next to afterwards was better . Tina : He was leaning on me for six hours .

  18. 当你觉得自己坠到了谷底时,也许可以给自己来点挑战——比如像“横穿美利坚的胖子”埃里克·海兹(EricHites)那样,骑上自行车横穿整个国家。

    When you feel as if you 've hit rock bottom , maybe it 's time to challenge yourself - just as " Fat Guy Across America " Eric Hites did when he decided to bike across the country .

  19. 其中一条“肥胖、粗鲁、自大、种族主义、自私”还被人升级为更加现代社会政治的“酒鬼、胖子、赌徒、流氓、Tesco”。

    The sentiments expressed in the suggestion of " Fat , rude arrogant , racist , selfish " are put into a more modern socio-political ( 9 ) setting with : " Dipso fatso bingo asbo ( 10 ) Tesco ( 11 )" .

  20. 巴黎研究机构Inserm的辛格-曼诺(ArchanaSingh-Manoux)负责这项研究。他说,他们的研究结果表明胖子是健康的这一看法是站不脚的。

    Archana Singh-Manoux , of the Paris research institute Inserm , who contributed to the study , said their results indicated the idea that people could be obese but still healthy was flawed .

  21. 然后,Bartels和Pizarro把电车测试的结果和人格测试结果联系起来,他们发现对道德抉择(即把那个胖子推下桥)的实用主义选择和精神变态、不择手段或是厌世情绪的人格有着很大联系。

    Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests . They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas ( push the fat guy off the bridge ) and personalities that were psychopathic , Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless .

  22. 那胖子以他一贯的兴高采烈的热诚接待了他。

    The fat man received him with his usual boisterous cordiality .

  23. 我在公共汽车上,一边一个胖子把我夹在中间不能动。

    I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus .

  24. 电影开始不久,那个胖子就睡著了。

    The fat guy drop asleep shortly after the film begin .

  25. 因为他胖,人们给他取个绰号叫胖子。

    They nicknamed him " Fats " because of his weight .

  26. 那个胖子上山气喘喘。

    The fat man was winded by walking up the hill .

  27. 稍等一下佩蒂先生胖子!

    Just a minute , Mr. Petty . Hey , Chubby !

  28. 你可以把胖子量具切成两半。

    You might want to divide the Crisco measurements by half .

  29. 躲在我背后。琼恩对胖子说。

    Stay behind me , Jon said to the fat boy .

  30. 胖子就要得到他应得的东西了。

    Fat boy 's gonna get what he 's got coming .