
zhàn zhēnɡ zuì
  • crime of war;war crime
  1. 正如国际刑事法庭(InternationalCriminalCourt)的检察官所言,他们犯下了战争罪。

    It is , as the International Criminal Court 's prosecutor says , a war crime .

  2. 战争罪,我觉得,是确定不疑的罪行。

    So a war crime , I 'm afraid , it was .

  3. 在以战争罪起诉这些人以前,官员们一直在等待他们身份的核实。

    Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes

  4. 自从国际刑事法庭(InternationalCriminalCourt)两周前指控奥马尔阿尔-巴希尔(OmarAl-Bashir)犯有战争罪以来,这位苏丹总统已变得越来越无视西方的态度。

    Since the International Criminal Court indicted Omar al-Bashir on war crimes charges two weeks ago , the Sudanese president has become ever more defiant of the west .

  5. 他们将以战争罪审判。

    They will put Jim on the trail for war crimes .

  6. 前南斯拉夫总统米洛舍维奇被判战争罪。

    Former Yugoslavia president Slobodan Milosevic is trialed for war crimes .

  7. Rovera表示,利比亚的暴行确实构成战争罪。

    Rovera says the violations committed in Libya do war crimes .

  8. 前南斯拉夫战争罪国际法庭公约

    Convention on an International War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

  9. 甚至可能让你们统统因战争罪坐大牢

    maybe even get you all thrown in prison for war crimes .

  10. 论战争罪之内涵及其刑事责任主体

    On the Connotation of War Crime and the Subject of Criminal Responsibility

  11. 涉及塞尔维亚族居民的战争罪指控并不多,而这就是其中之一。

    It 's one of comparatively few cases alleging war crimes against Serbs .

  12. 国际法上战争罪内涵的历史演变

    The Historical Change of the Contents of War Crime Based on the International Laws

  13. 战争罪及危害人类罪不适用法定时效公约

    Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity

  14. 而在判决过程中发现,他提供支持恐怖主义的材料被认为没有触犯战争罪。

    It found that his offense providing material support for terrorism was not recognized as war crime .

  15. 有关官员说,卡拉季奇被移交到贝尔格莱德的塞尔维亚战争罪法庭。

    Officials say Karadzic was transferred to an investigative judge of Serbia 's War Crimes Court in Belgrade .

  16. 他告诉联合国安理会,他又证据表明利比亚政府犯有战争罪。

    He told the United Nations Security Council that he has evidence Libya 's government committed war crimes .

  17. 战争罪等国际刑事犯罪严重威胁人类的和平与安全。

    The war crime and so on the international criminal offense threatens humanity 's peace and the security seriously .

  18. 周五,联合国人权办公室呼吁对斯里兰卡可能发动战争罪进行调查。

    On Friday , the United Nations human rights office an investigation of possible war crimes in Sri Lanka .

  19. 他由于参与塞拉利昂内战的问题目前政在海牙国际法庭面临战争罪的指控。

    He is now in The Hague facing war crimes charges for his involvement in Sierra Leone 's civil war .

  20. 联合国设在海牙的战争罪法庭指控卡拉季奇在波黑战争期间犯有种族灭绝罪、反人道罪和其它暴行。

    Prosecutors of The Hague-based United Nations War Crimes Tribunal charged Karadzic with genocide and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian war .

  21. 声明表示,大规模杀戮事件可能是战争罪或反人类罪的证据,并呼吁展开调查。

    The statement said the mass killings may be evidence of war crimes or crimes against humanity and called for an investigation .

  22. 之前,国际刑事法庭已经以在达尔富尔犯下战争罪为由,签发了两个逮捕另外两名苏丹人的逮捕令,而这两个人目前都仍自由于公堂之外。

    The ICC has previously issued arrest warrants against two other Sudanese men for war crimes in Darfur and both are still at liberty .

  23. 人权办公室称,军队和叛军的行为可能符合战争罪和践踏人权罪的法律条件。

    The office said the behavior of the military and the rebels could meet the legal meaning of war crimes and crimes against humanity .

  24. 姆拉迪奇还被指控在萨拉热窝被围攻的三年期间下令或实施战争罪。

    Mr. Mladic is also accused of ordering or carrying out war crimes during the three years in which Sarajevo was ed and attacked .

  25. 设在海牙的南斯拉夫战争罪法庭的法官判定对科索沃前总理哈拉迪纳伊的所有指控不成立。

    Kosovo 's former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has been acquitted of all charges by judges at the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague .

  26. 波斯尼亚塞族战争罪嫌疑人拉特科。姆拉迪奇在海牙举行有关南斯拉夫战争罪的法庭听审中,被法官逐出法庭。

    Serbian war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic was ordered out of his own arraignment by judges at the Yugoslav war crimes Tribunal in The Hague .

  27. 日本帝国陆军声名狼藉的化学部队进行了秘密的人体实验,而这些实验被认为犯有人类史上最恶劣的战争罪。

    The Imperial Japanese Army 's notorious medical research team carried out secret human experiments regarded as some of the worst war crimes in history .

  28. 以色列请求联合国废除一份报告,该报告指控以色列两年前进攻加沙地带时犯有战争罪。

    Israel has called on the United Nations to scrap a report which accused it of war crimes during its Gaza offensive two years ago .

  29. 他们已邀请从事战争罪问题调查的美国外交官斯蒂芬拉普下月访问达卡,来令其亲自评估该国的诉讼程序。

    They have invited Stephen Rapp , an American diplomat looking into war-crimes issues , to visit Dhaka next month to assess the proceedings himself .

  30. 虽然美国不是国际刑事法院的成员,不过众所周知美国为该法院在达尔富尔战争罪的调查中提供了协助。

    The United States is not a party to the ICC but is understood to have provided some support for its Darfur war crimes inquiry .