
zhàn lüè huǒ bàn ɡuān xi
  • strategic partnership
  1. 中英两国决定,共同构建中英面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系。

    China and Britain agreed to raise their ties to a " global comprehensive strategic partnership " in the 21st century .

  2. 去年,DST接受了腾讯3亿美元的投资,而且双方已结成长期战略伙伴关系。腾讯还拥有即时通讯服务QQ。

    Last year , DST received a $ 300m investment from Tencent , which also owns messaging service QQ , and the two companies are involved in a long-term strategic partnership .

  3. 新零售方式最近的一个例子就是今年2月阿里巴巴和总部在上海的大型零售企业百联集团宣布建立战略伙伴关系。

    A latest example is a strategic partnership5 announced in February between Alibaba and Bailian Group Co Ltd , a retail conglomerate6 headquartered in Shanghai .

  4. 分析战略伙伴关系的概念、特点以及合作的依据,参照战略合作伙伴关系形成的过程,利用多Agent技术实现供应商的自动筛选。

    This paper describes the concept , characteristic and cooperation basis of strategic companion relationship . Making reference to the development process of strategic companion relationship , this paper utilizes Multi-Agent technology to realize automatic vendor selection .

  5. 基于交易成本的供应链战略伙伴关系量化

    A Research of Supply Chain Strategic Partnership Based on Transaction Cost

  6. 请描述一下与其他制造商的战略伙伴关系?

    Describe any strategic partnerships that you have with other manufacturers ?

  7. 在这样一个前景可观的战略伙伴关系中,我们只是迈出了第一步,未来还有很多双方互利的合作机会。

    This is only the first step in a promising strategic partnership .

  8. 建立面向21世纪的中美战略伙伴关系

    To Establish a Sino-U.S. Strategic Partnership Facing the 21st Century

  9. 战略伙伴关系是供应链企业之间的一种重要的关系。

    Strategic partnership is an important relationship between firms in supply chain .

  10. 这两个国家已经进入了战略伙伴关系的新阶段

    The two countries have entered a new stage of the strategic partnership

  11. 关于深化互利共赢的中欧全面战略伙伴关系的联合声明

    Joint Statement on Deepening the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit

  12. 论供应链管理中的供应商&零售商战略伙伴关系

    On Supplier & Retailer Strategic Partnerships in Supply Chain Management

  13. 今年是中国和东盟建立战略伙伴关系10周年。

    This year marks the 10th anniversary of the China-ASEAN strategic partnership .

  14. 我对中欧发展全面战略伙伴关系更加充满信心。

    I am on the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership to develop more confidence .

  15. 中国和我本人都高度重视中阿战略伙伴关系。

    My country and I personally attach great importance to China-Argentina strategic partnership .

  16. 生产商和供应商战略伙伴关系分析

    Analysis of Strategic Partnership Relationship Between Supplier and Manufacturer

  17. 这是一种相互依存和互惠互利的新型战略伙伴关系。

    This is a new strategic partnership for double win and mutual benefits .

  18. 基于东北亚经济合作的战略伙伴关系

    Strategic Alliance for Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia

  19. 其次,对战略伙伴关系的特点进行了详细的分析;

    Characteristics of strategic partnership are analyzed .

  20. 新世纪欧盟与北约战略伙伴关系探析

    An Analysis of the EU-NATO Strategic Partnership in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  21. 构建中的中欧全面战略伙伴关系

    China-European Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the Construction

  22. 均衡与效率&供应链中战略伙伴关系确立的内在机制

    Balance and Efficienty & determine the internal mechanism for strategic partners in supply chain management

  23. 与核心分销商建立战略伙伴关系;

    Constituting strategic partnership with core vendor ;

  24. 今年3月,主办方宣布与电商巨头阿里巴巴签订三年协议,达成战略伙伴关系。

    In March , it announced a three-year strategic partnership with the e-commerce behemoth Alibaba .

  25. 最终实现与其它企业建立战略伙伴关系,实现强强联合,达到共赢的目的。

    The strategic partnership with other enterprise is developed to realize the association and together benefit .

  26. 绿色供应链战略伙伴关系

    Strategic Partnership of Green Supply Chain

  27. 我们建立了战略伙伴关系,在众多事务上开展了合作。

    Together , we have developed a strategic partnership in which we cooperate on numerous issues .

  28. 我们希望在中国显著提高市场地位,并进一步加强战略伙伴关系。

    We want to strengthen our presence significantly in China and further strengthen our strategic partnership .

  29. 今年是中意建立全面战略伙伴关系15周年。

    This year marks the 15th anniversary of the signing of the China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership .

  30. 建设性战略伙伴关系

    The constructive and strategic partnership