
  • 网络Strategic Resource
  1. 随着Internet的日渐普及和全球信息化的不断推进,网络系统已经成为组织赖以生存的重要战略资源。

    With the development of global informatization and the popularization of Internet , network system became the important strategic resource which organization depends to survive .

  2. 本文主张渠道作为一项战略资源,从根本上关乎Q医院的生存与发展,因而对于锻造其核心竞争力至关重要。

    This paper advocates channel as a strategic resource , fundamentally about the survival and development of Q hospital , so for the forging of its core competencies is essential .

  3. 在激烈的市场竞争中,销售渠道已经成为PC厂商最重要的战略资源之一。

    In the fierce market competition , the channel has already become one of the most important strategic resources of PC manufacturer .

  4. CRM过程是一个知识密集型过程,客户知识是实现CRM绩效的关键战略资源之一,最近的研究文献表明CRM和KM可以达到很好的集成。

    CRM process is a strong knowledge intensity process and customer knowledge is considered as one of the key strategic resources for the CRM success .

  5. WTO框架下,跨国公司正在全球范围内进行新一轮战略资源重组,这为我国引进优质的外国资本提供了千载难逢的机遇。

    Under the frame of WTO , multinationals are acting on new-round strategical resource recombination in the global world , which offers an unwonted chance for us to import high-quality foreign capital .

  6. 通过一个平衡计分卡应用实例的讨论,阐述了如何在企业实践中应用各项评价指标之间的因果关系,设定评价指标的目标值,应用BSC体系的指标值进行分析及使用BSC进行战略资源分配。

    The paper describes the causality among evaluation indexes applied in enterprises , sets the objective value of evaluation indexes , applies the objective value of BSC system in analysis and applies BSC in strategic resources distribution .

  7. 例如在高盛,加入银行业的高级程序员人数——公司所谓的“战略资源”(strats)——自2009年以来已经增加了43%。

    At Goldman , for instance , the number of high-level programmers-cum-bankers - what the firm calls " strats " - has risen 43 percent since 2009 .

  8. 战略资源与中国节约型社会建设战略构架

    An Analysis of the Strategic Structure of Economical Society in China

  9. 物料和能源是冶金企业的重要战略资源。

    Materials and energy are strategic resources in the metallurgical enterprise .

  10. 珍贵用材树种资源是我国重要的战略资源。

    The precious timber trees resources are our country important strategic resources .

  11. 战略资源国际化&我国石化企业的发展思路

    Strategic Resource Internationalization & Thinking of Development on Chinese Petrochemical Industry Enterprises

  12. 麻疯树是一种具有重要经济价值的战略资源。

    Physic nut is an important strategic resource with great economic value .

  13. 建立战略资源储备体系,应付突发危机;

    Establishing resources strategic reserve for dealing with resources crisis ;

  14. 人类已经进入了一个以知识经济为特征的时代,知识经济时代的战略资源是人才和知识。

    The knowledge economy era calls for more and more high-quality personnel .

  15. 有人说好土已经和石油一样成为了战略资源。

    Some say it is already a strategic asset on par with oil .

  16. 世纪之交,人才成为最为重要的战略资源。

    In the 21st century , talent is the most important strategic resources .

  17. 稀土资源是国家的战略资源。

    Rare earth resources are national strategic resources .

  18. 它是现代大学生存与发展的重要战略资源。

    It is the important strategic resource that the modern university survives and develops .

  19. 能源是战略资源,是社会全面发展的重要物质基础。

    Energy is strategic resource and important material base of all-round development of society .

  20. 水是基础性的自然资源、经济性的战略资源和公共性的社会资源。

    Water is basic natural resource , economic strategic resource , and public social resource .

  21. 摘要知识经济时代,知识资本成为最为重要的战略资源。

    In knowledge economical time , the knowledge capital becomes the most important strategic resources .

  22. 信息资源是重要的战略资源。

    Information resource is essential strategic resource .

  23. 在网络经济时代,信息资源已成为国家经济实力的核心战略资源。

    In network economy times , information resource is becoming the core of nation economy .

  24. 战略资源已由自然资源、资本资源转变为人才资源。

    Talent resource rather than natural resource and capital resource has become the strategic resource .

  25. 中钢集团是中国一家国有的战略资源贸易公司,该集团发言人拒绝对此事置评。

    A Sinosteel spokesman declined to comment .

  26. 创新型人才资源是国家和科研院所最宝贵的战略资源。

    Innovative talents are the most valuable strategy resources of our country and research institute .

  27. 人才资源已成为各国发展的重要战略资源。

    Talent resources have already become the most important strategic resources of development in various countries .

  28. 随着知识经济的迅猛发展,知识已经成为一种重要的战略资源。

    With the rapid development of knowledge-based economy , knowledge has become an important strategic resource .

  29. 信息是企业生存发展的战略资源,信息化水平已成为现代企业的重要标志。

    The information is the strategy resources that enterprise existence was developed , and the information .

  30. 并结合高校工作的实际,提出了高校档案信息资源是管理决策中重要的战略资源的观点。

    This paper points ont that files and informations are the important and strategic source of policy-making .