
kǎo liánɡ
  • Considerations;consider and discuss;inspect and judge
考量 [kǎo liáng]
  • (1) [examine and weigh]∶考查衡量

  • (2) [consider and discuss]∶考虑商量

  • (3) [think of]∶考虑;思量

  • 他考量着就要开始的新工作

  1. 这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。

    This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies

  2. 当我第一次走进招募官的办公室时,他考量了我一番。

    My recruiting sergeant weighed me up when I first walked into his office .

  3. 这基本上就是谷歌(google)在考量手机网络业务时所面临的局面。

    This is roughly the position Google finds itself in as it sizes up the mobile Internet business .

  4. 报告的主要部分涵盖了SOA的架构方式和设计考量。

    The main part of the report covers the architectural approaches and the design considerations of an SOA .

  5. 如果我们将这些考量应用于Java,您很快就会发现Java本身并没有为模块化提供最佳环境

    If we apply these considerations to Java , you can quickly see that Java by itself does not provide the best environment for modularity

  6. 那么,与模块化考量相比,OSGi的表现如何呢?

    So how does OSGi compare with respect to the modular considerations ?

  7. 取得正的投资回报率(ROE)很重要,尽管这并非唯一考量。

    Positive return on investment ( ROI ) is important , though not the only consideration .

  8. 结合该企业实际情况,运用U控制图对高温电缆的芯线裂痕数进行考量分析,对生产的质量进行动态过程的分析。

    In this paper , with actual conditions of the enterprise , the paper uses U-chart to analyze the cracks in the core wire of high temperature cables and the quality of dynamic production process .

  9. 当然,更改tuple的惟一方法是复制它。因此,如果您发现对不可变对象执行了大量更改,则应该重新考量自己的方法。

    Of course , the only way to change a tuple is to copy it , so if you find yourself making lots of changes to an immutable object , you need to rethink your approach .

  10. 论文还基于合理性和可操作性的考量,对系统在实现过程中的关键技术进行阐述,并以本文所提出的系统为基础,提出白酒行业采用RFID实现质量追溯的研究建议。

    Based on the consideration of rationality and operability , this paper also describes the key techniques for system achievement . Further , to use the RFID to achieve quality tracing in the liquor industry , some research suggestions are proposed based on the system mentioned above .

  11. 从两个方案的优缺点,即资源、政策导向、可持续发展及社会责任诸多方面考量,HT公司初步确定选择使用黄河水方案,即建设黄河水预处理装置,以改变当前使用地下水的用水方案。

    Thinking the advantages and disadvantages of the schemes , namely resources , sustainable development and social responsibilities & policy guidance , HT company determines to use the Yellow River scheme , build the Yellow River water pretreatment device in order to change the use of ground water .

  12. 企业环境责任的伦理考量

    The Ethical Evaluations and Analysis of the Environmental Responsibilities of Enterprises

  13. 其次,这种分析法也可以考量媒介生态系统的有序化。

    Secondly , exergy analysis is ordering the media ecosystem considerations .

  14. 综合以上这些要素都是老练的园艺者会仔细考量的。

    All of these factors are considered by the seasoned gardener .

  15. 电视新闻画面语言逻辑考量

    A Study on Menu Language of the Logic of Television News

  16. 经济宪政的社会和谐功能考量

    On the Influence of Economic Constitutionalism on Making a Harmonious Society

  17. 但应该考量一下这种新出现的乐观情绪达到何种程度。

    But the extent of the new optimism must be tested .

  18. 解构与重构:后现代公共行政的价值考量

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction : The Value Studies of Postmodern Public Administration

  19. 专心于工作时,优先考量最重要的事。

    Put first things first in applying yourself to your job .

  20. 刑事程序性制裁确立之考量

    On the Establishment of Procedural Sanction of the Criminal Actions

  21. 我国古代森林资源保护立法之考量

    Study on the Legislation of Ancient Chinese Forest Resources Protection

  22. 未来中国海外投资者法律定义之考量

    Reflections on China 's Legal Definition of the " Overseas Investor "

  23. 基于战略视角的农村金融区域供给考量

    Considerations on Rural Financial Regional Supply Based on Strategic Perspective

  24. 这些考量比简单降低出口价格重要得多。

    These concerns are far more important than simply reducing export prices .

  25. 细部设计缺乏考量;

    4 , the detailed designs were lack of consideration .

  26. 类似的考量也适用于日本,即便程度较小。

    Similar considerations apply to Japan , if to a lesser degree .

  27. 考量到谁能在某个特定竞赛中,最符合演讲会的指导方针。

    Consider who best meets the Toastmasters guidelines in that particular competition .

  28. 第三节对股东有限责任制度的具体法律构建进行探讨,指出法律基于公平正义的价值考量,为了平衡股东与债权人之间的利益,规定了股东有限责任制度的适用条件。

    Section three studies the legal design of the limited liability of shareholders .

  29. 如果效率是唯一的考量的话,结果将是不同的。

    If efficiency were the only consideration , the outcome would be different .

  30. 旅游诚信建设中的政府职责考量

    Examination and Evaluation of Government Obligations in the Credit Construction in Tourism Industry