
  1. 考试经济的产权分析

    Analysis on the Property Right of Testing Economy

  2. 论考试经济及其成长

    On " Testing Economy " and Its Growth

  3. 考试经济及其成因分析

    Testing Economy and Its Cause of Formation

  4. 考试经济如火如荼

    Exam Economy is Hot

  5. 我国高教自学考试与经济增长的关联性及阶段性特征

    The Relationship and Stage Features Between Higher Education Examination For Self-Taught Learners and Economical Growth

  6. 王世贞笔下平民商人及其子弟或通过科举考试、经济手段谋取官位;

    Merchants and their children in biography written by Wang Shizhen or figure for official position by imperial examinations and economic means ;

  7. 论高等教育自学考试制度的经济、社会功能

    Economic and Social Function of Self Taught Examination System in Higher Education

  8. 初中教师职业压力的主要来源依次是学生因素、考试因素、经济收入、社会期望、工作负荷、学校人事改革及自我专业发展需要等。

    The main stressors of junior teacher occupational stress are successively students , examination , income , expectation of society , work burden , personnel reform and self-development needs in profession .

  9. 统一考试是与计划经济和学生毕业统一分配、包干就业相联的举措。

    Unified exam is a measure connected with employment allocation under the condition of planned economy .

  10. 日本现行大学入学考试是在日本经济的高速发展、国民生活水平提高、高等教育大众化基础上形成的。

    In Japan the entrance examination of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations is developed with the rapid development of the economics , and the form of the mass higher education .