
zhāi yuè
  • Ramadan;the month of fast
斋月 [zhāi yuè]
  • [Ramadan;the month of fast] 伊斯兰教历的九月,是其教徒封斋的一个月

斋月[zhāi yuè]
  1. 伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。

    Muslims fast during Ramadan .

  2. Bol预计将在7月中旬穆斯林斋月结束后开播。

    The station is expected to begin broadcasting after Ramadan , the Islamic holy month , which will end in mid-July .

  3. 秉持这种精神,我祝愿世界各地的穆斯林斋月吉祥,也期待再一次于白宫主持开斋晚宴(iftar)。

    In that spirit , I wish Muslims around the world a blessed month , and I look forward to again hosting an iftar dinner here at the White House .

  4. 阿富汗国民军士兵围坐饮酒后快速突破后,在夕阳的Dahaneh村日常斋月茶,在阿富汗赫尔曼德省,星期四,2009年8月27日。

    Afghan National Army soldiers sit around drinking tea after breaking their daily Ramadan fast after sunset in the village of Dahaneh , in Helmand Province , Afghanistan , Thursday , Aug.27,2009 .

  5. 杰克:斋月最重要的是甚麽?

    Jack : what 's the most important thing about ramadan ?

  6. 穆斯林的斋月也没有导致事态停止。

    Ramadan , the Muslim month of fasting , stopped nothing .

  7. 但要记得,吉庆的斋月,每年只有一次。

    But remember this auspicious month comes but once a year .

  8. 斋月是中东地区最重要的节日。

    Ramadan is the most important holiday in the Middle East .

  9. 斋月改变了梨泰院穆斯林餐厅的工作模式。

    Ramadan changed the working pattern of Muslim restaurants in Itaewon .

  10. 对于阿富汗喀布尔的食品小贩们来说斋月意味着畅销。

    Ramadan means brisk sales for food vendors in Kabul , Afghanistan .

  11. 阿姨,我姐姐在背谈,这是斋月啊。

    Auntie , my sister is gossiping , it 's fasting month .

  12. 这就意味着斋月的日期每年将会有略微的变化;

    This means the date of Ramadan will vary slightly each year ;

  13. 亲爱的兄弟,斋月幸福吉庆!

    Dear brother , may you have a happy and blessed Ramadan !

  14. 你不能更改其斋月到另一个月。

    You are not allowed to change the fasting month for another month .

  15. 在斋月期间我们的敌人不会停止行动,同样我们也不会。

    The enemy won 't rest during Ramadan , and neither will we .

  16. 现在斋月结束了,车市增速可能放缓。

    The market could decelerate now Ramadan is over .

  17. 阿勒颇广场上售卖的一种特别的斋月面包。

    Special Ramadan bread for sale , Aleppo Souq .

  18. 愿安拉奖赏你,在这个尊贵吉庆的斋月宽恕你。

    May Allah reward you and grant you forgiveness in this blessed month .

  19. 我祝愿大家斋月吉祥。

    I wish you all a very blessed Ramadan .

  20. 事实上在同一时间,阿尔及利亚的斋月。

    Practically at the same time , im algeria , it was ramadam .

  21. 谢里夫宣布在斋月财政援助这些家庭。

    Sharif announced financial assistance to these families for the month of Ramadan .

  22. 努勒的妹妹纳迪试着在今年斋月开始封斋。

    Noora 's younger sister Nadia is trying to start fasting this Ramadan .

  23. 实际上,斋月是我们感谢全能安拉的良机。

    Ramadan is time for us to thank the Almighty in a practical term .

  24. 尊敬的学者,安塞俩目尔来一库目。斋月中可以把斋戒日更换到其他时间吗?

    Is it possible to change the day you are fasting to another date ?

  25. 举意必须在斋月的黎明前和夜间。

    The intention must be made before Fajr and during every night of Ramadan .

  26. 2022年,我就得过斋月了。

    In 2022 , I will celebrate Ramadan .

  27. 亲朋好友欢聚一堂,共享斋月晚餐并共同祈祷。

    Families and communities share the happiness of gathering together for iftar and prayers .

  28. 在这个斋月结束的时候,你会有多少善功呢?

    How many good deeds will you have at the end of this Ramadan ?

  29. 2008年的斋月是我记忆中最凄惨的日子。

    One of the worst times was the fasting month of Ramadan in 2008 .

  30. 在斋月期间他会和他们一起斋戒。

    He would fast with them during Ramadan .