
zhāi tánɡ
  • refectory;temple hall
斋堂 [zhāi táng]
  • (1) [dining room in a Buddhist temple]∶寺庙中的用斋食的地方

  • (2) [hall]∶寺院中用来诵经的殿堂

  • (3) [room]∶供斋戒用的房屋

  1. 笔者认为村落及村落中的人群、广场、本主庙、斋堂等是白族文化内涵保护的直接载体和传承场。

    The author maintains that the village is the media and the inherited place of the conservation of Bai traditional culture .

  2. 一天,午斋的时候,就象平时一样,斋堂都会放上人的录音。

    One day , at lunch time , like usual , in the dining hall we would play VM 's lecture .

  3. 他若道录司、斋堂、方丈、诸羽流栖息、厨浴、仓库、厢房,通数千间。

    If he were Secretary Road , Zhaitang , abbots , Zhu plume habitat , kitchen bath , storage , rooms , through several thousand .

  4. 1943年4月份,对宛平县南方地区之旅团作战,旅团预备队把该地区(东斋堂西南方约60公里)的村庄烧毁了数个。

    In April 1943 , in a brigade battle to the south of Wanping County , the reserve forces burnt down several villages ( about 60 kilometers to the southwest of Dongzhaitang ) in that area ;