首页 / 词典 / good

  • fast;vegetarian diet;room;building
  • give alms
  • 屋舍,常指书房、学舍、饭店或商店:书~。聊~。荣宝~。

  • 祭祀前或举行典礼前清心洁身:~戒。封~(亦称“把斋”)。~月。~坛。~会。~果。

  • 佛教、道教等教徒、道徒吃的素食:~饭。~堂。吃~。

  • 舍饭给僧人吃:~僧。


(斋戒) fast:

  • 开斋

    break one's fast


(信徒的素食) vegetarian diet:

  • 吃斋念佛

    practise abstinence from meat and say prayers


(屋子) room; building:

  • 书斋

    study ;

  • 新斋

    new house


(舍饭给僧人) give alms:

  • 斋僧

    give alms to a monk

  1. 如今,很少有人会受斋40天。

    Few people nowadays fast for 40 days .

  2. 不过后来除设斋供僧外,还增加了其他特别的祭祀活动。

    In addition to the fast provided for the monks , the present Festival has special sacrificial ceremonies .

  3. 但是到了十七世纪的英国,教会把庆祝“莉雅”女神的节日改为表达对耶稣之母马利亚的崇敬,订四旬斋的第四个星期日为MotheringSunday。甚至后来人们加入教会的受洗仪式都订在母亲节这一天。

    During the 1600 's , England celebrated a day called " Mothering Sunday , " celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent .

  4. 举个例子,游客可以到离福和慧不到一英里的玉佛寺(JadeBuddhaTemple)素斋餐厅品尝由豆腐、素排骨做成的“素烤鸭”、“素火腿”以及“素炒蟹粉”。

    Less than a mile from Fu He Hui , for example , you can drop into the restaurant at the Jade Buddha Temple for some " roast duck " and " ham " made with tofu , or vegetarian " pork chops " and " stir-fried crabmeat . "

  5. 12世纪晚期,教义严格的禅宗进入日本,随后shojinryori(精料理,即佛教斋菜)的广泛传播让普通民众也吃上了豆腐。

    The arrival of strict Zen sects in the late 12th century and the subsequent spread of shojin Ryori ( Buddhist vegetarian cooking ) made tofu more available to the general public .

  6. 灵宝斋法是道教斋法的主流。

    The numinous treasure rites are the mainstream of Taoist rites .

  7. 诚斋诗中的儿童形象最多,最具生机活力。

    There are many figures of children that are full of vitality .

  8. 因此,我们要好好理解四旬斋的宗教含义。

    Read about the religious meanings of the Lenten Season .

  9. 第四部分论述诚斋山水景物诗的地位以及对同时代和后代诗人的影响。

    The last part discusses the status and influence of Yang Wan-li .

  10. 四旬斋是早期复活节里面为期46天的时期。

    Lent is the forty-six day period just prior to Easter Sunday .

  11. “竹斋,你来给我代一副!”

    " Come and take my place for a game , chu-chai !"

  12. 北斋眼中的富士山,“玫瑰骑士”,

    a Hokusai view of Mt. Fuji , " Der Rosenkavalier , "

  13. 在新奥尔良,四旬斋前的活动是一次大的狂欢活动。

    Mardi Gras is a big celebration in new orleans .

  14. 冬天来鸿源斋吃火锅,让您体验火辣辣的热情!

    Hongyuan winter to eat vegetarian dishes , you can Huola La enthusiasm !

  15. 剪辑盒:十张纸斋展总体设计记录

    Editing Boxes : Sketches of the Overall Design for " Shi-Zhang-Zhi-Zhai " Exhibition

  16. 豉香型斋酒浸肉试验报告

    Reports on Fat Soaked in Soybean - flavor Liquor

  17. 嘉年华会是一个在四旬斋的基督教季节前的传统的庆祝节日。

    Carnival is a traditional time of celebration before the Christian season of Lent .

  18. 四旬斋斋戒说这种重油水果蛋糕必须一直保留至复活节。

    The Lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until Easter .

  19. 胖鼠脚貂先戒斋,但是注定要在节日大吃一顿。

    The fat ferret fasted first but as fated to feast on a fete .

  20. 月盛斋的酱牛肉在北京,最有名的牛肉制作工艺就是月盛斋。

    In Beijing , the best-known spiced beef is made in Yue Sheng Zhai .

  21. 自从上一次四旬斋以来,他说的话我们都有了很好的证明。

    We have had the best testimony to his words since the last quadragesima .

  22. 铁斋向浦原道歉,在他们能说其他东西前,真子突然尖叫。

    Tessai apologizes to Urahara and before they can speak more Shinji suddenly scream out .

  23. 英国国王话斋,无论在什么情况下都要找到自己的利益。

    As a king , you need to find the good thing at every situation .

  24. 铁斋惊讶蓝染能挡下自己的攻击,三人组离开。

    Tessai is shock that Aizen could stop his attack but the three are gone .

  25. 1999年夏日,于四步斋

    Written in Four-Pace Study , Summer 1999

  26. 他们面带愁容,是为了叫别人知道他们正在守斋。

    They put on a gloomy face , so people can see they are fasting .

  27. 山崎暗斋的政治思想研究

    Research on Yamazaki Ansai 's Political Thoughts

  28. 竹斋!一定招呼老赵拒绝

    " You must definitely tell him to refuse it , then , Chu-chai . "

  29. 这种观念世俗化为“七七斋”在民间流行。

    The outlook was mainly practiced by " seven-seven vegetarian " popular with the masses .

  30. 芸斋小说与古代文学

    Yun-zhai Novel and the Classical Literature