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  • slack;lax
  • 不紧张:~怠。~劲。~气。松~。无~可击。常备不~。


(松懈; 不紧张) slack; lax:

  • 松懈

    slacken; relax; let up;

  • 作不懈的努力

    make unremitting efforts

  1. 袭击头个晚上,这位记者其实可以径直走进泰姬酒店,安全也太松懈了。

    This reporter could have walked straight into the Taj on the first night of the attacks , so lax was security .

  2. 上个月,五艘中国舰船在中国海南省附近海域包围了美国监测船无懈号(Impeccable)。

    Five Chinese vessels last month crowded around the USNS Impeccable off China 's southern island province of Hainan .

  3. 如果是懈寄生,我就要亲你了。

    If it was mistletoe , I was gonna kiss you .

  4. 平均粒径与糊化峰粘度、稀懈值呈极显著正相关。

    Positively correlations between peak viscosity , breakdown and average size were observed .

  5. 你对我要求太松懈了。

    And you 're not being hard enough .

  6. 其他流行的圣诞装饰植物还包括冬青树、懈寄生(拜痞子蔡所赐相信大家都知道了那个著名的关于亲吻的故事)、红色宫人草和蟹爪兰。它们和圣诞树、花环、绿叶一起用以装饰房间。

    Other popular holiday plantsinclude holly , mistletoe , red amaryllis , and Christmas cactus .

  7. 小麦淀粉的直链淀粉含量与凝胶硬度、粘聚性呈显著正相关,与稀懈值呈极显著负相关。

    The amylose content was significantly correlated to hardness and cohesiveness , and negatively to breakdown .

  8. 他教导我们,他批评我们,他永远不让我们懈。

    It was he who taught us , who criticized us , who would never let us rest .

  9. 中国称,无懈号在中国专属经济区进行监测活动,违反了国际法。

    China says the Impeccable was violating international law by conducting surveillance activities in its exclusive economic zone .

  10. 零售业的经营,充满一连串与消费者懈逅的感动;

    The management of the retail trade , be filled with a series of with the consumer of touched ;

  11. 提出了一种求解微分代数混合方程组的统一算法,证明了统一算法所求出的懈与原方程组的解具有等价性。

    This article present an unification arithmetic for a kind of mixture equations made up of some differential and algebra equations .

  12. 结果表明,扬麦系列品种(系)的峰值粘度和稀懈值极显著高于供试的北方小麦;

    The results showed that the peak viscosity and breakdown of Yangmai were significantly higher than that of varieties from northern China ;

  13. 这场“超级震”让许多加利福尼亚人几年来都屏气凝神,不敢怠懈。

    The " Big One " refers to the earthquake that many Californians have been waiting for with bated breath for years .

  14. 我承諾竭尽所能,以热忱和坚持不懈的精神,在今后的日子服务大学。

    I pledge to give my best skills , my passion and my perseverance to serve this University in the years to come .

  15. 不管它们的姿态多麽的懈惰,此技法能把凶猛的能量贯注入这些老虎身上,超越了单纯的「现实主义」或描写性的现写手法。

    Despite their languid poses , the technique imbues the tigers with a ferocious energy that transcends a mere " realistic " or descriptive representation .

  16. 三个代换系的峰值粘度、最终粘度都超亲,稀懈值介于双亲之间。

    The peak viscosity and final viscosity of three substitution lines were superior to their parents , and breakdown of them were between CS and Betzes .

  17. 淀粉糊化特性指标的变异系数为低谷粘度>峰值粘度>最终粘度>稀懈值>糊化时间。

    The variation coefficient of the starch paste property followed the order of : trough viscosity > peak viscosity > final viscosity > breakdown > paste time .

  18. 现在我都集中精力在我的事业上,相信以后会在正确的时间正确的地点懈逅她的!

    I will focus on my own career building now in China , and believe I will meet up with some girl in the right time and right place .

  19. 香港中文大学致力改善校园环境,未尝稍懈,务求为教授、学习及其他学术活动提供一个理想环境。

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong seeks continually to improve the environmental quality of the campus to provide a congenial environment for teaching , learning and scholastic activities .

  20. 所以,虽然他很气愤那些他无法理解的懈慢和愚蠢,但他也只能靠边站,安慰自己看开一些。

    And so even if angry over what he saw as incomprehensible waste and stupidity , he could also afford to stand aside and see the establishment in a more detached way .

  21. 长沙城里的冬天,缺少了原本可以懈释的情怀意志,却添了些看不到的阴冷潮湿、作客他乡的警醒自拔。

    Changsha city in winter , the lack of the original interpretation of the feelings will be negligent , but added some can not see the cold damp , host families pull themselves out of the wake-up call .

  22. 他们作为一个占据半壁江山的主流创作群体,对于后来新人的成长的影响也是不可忽视的,当然,这种影响既是正面积极促进的,也是有着消极怠懈作用的。

    Them as an occupied half of the mainstream creative groups , and later the impact of the new growth can not be ignored , of course , this effect is both positive promotion , but also has a negative lazy negligent role .
