首页 / 词典 / good

  • roar;howl
  • 兽大声叫:~叫。狮~。

  • 人在激怒时的呼喊:大~。

  • (风、汽笛、大炮等)发出巨大的声响:~鸣。


(猛兽大声叫) roar; howl:

  • 狮子吼了。

    The lion roared.


(发怒情绪激动时大声叫喊) roar:

  • 不要对我大吼大叫。

    Don't roar at me.


(风、汽笛、大炮等发出很大的响声) roar; howl:

  • 暴风在林中怒吼。

    Storm roared through the forest.

  1. 不要对我大吼大叫。

    Don 't roar at me .

  2. 格兰特:哇!你吼得真好耶,乔西!

    Grant : Wow ! You roar really well , Josie !

  3. “滚开!”他吼道。

    ' Get out of here ! ' he snarled .

  4. “不!”他恶狠狠地吼道。

    ' No ! ' he snarled savagely .

  5. “靠后站。”他吼道。

    ' Stand back , ' he roared .

  6. “我会为此杀了你,”他大吼道。

    ' I 'll kill you for that , ' he roared

  7. “我本该宰了他的,”夏普吼道。

    ' I should have killed him , ' Sharpe growled .

  8. 他对着手机话筒吼了一通信息。

    He bellowed information into the mouthpiece of his portable telephone .

  9. 当他们靠近时,大象又吼又跺脚。

    The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach .

  10. 莫利跳了起来,气急败坏地大吼起来。

    Molly leapt to her feet , spluttering and howling with rage .

  11. “奥伯里,”海德几乎是吼出了这个名字。

    ' Aubrey . ' Hyde seemed almost to snarl the name .

  12. “我没有要求你们把我生下来!”她吼道。

    ' I didn 't ask to be born ! ' she bellowed

  13. 他彻底完蛋了,但仍旧对每个人大吼大叫。

    He 's all washed up , but he still yells at everyone .

  14. 很抱歉昨天晚上我冲着你大吼大叫的。

    I 'm sorry I yelled at you last night

  15. 一小群英国人挥舞着国旗,吼得嗓子都沙哑了。

    The small British crowd roared themselves hoarse , waving their Union Jacks .

  16. 当他吼出这些歌词的时候,脸都扭曲了。

    His face contorts as he screams out the lyrics

  17. 出租车司机气得大吼一声。

    The cabby gave vent to an angry shout .

  18. “那真是疯了,”他吼道。

    ' That 's lunacy , ' he blustered

  19. 狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。

    The lion roared once , and sprang .

  20. 她祈祷自己进来后不会看到他们冲着彼此大吼大叫。

    She prayed she wouldn 't come in and find them there , bellowing at each other

  21. “你还想要?”克莱尔吼道。“想都别想,宝贝。”

    ' You want more ? ' roared Claire . ' Forget it , honey . '

  22. 狮子吼了。

    The lion roared .

  23. 他怒火中烧,对着他们大吼起来。

    In a blaze of anger he shouted at them .

  24. 他突然虎起脸对我吼起来。

    He suddenly turned fierce and shouted at me .

  25. 看守吼了一声警告,并用枪威胁囚犯们。

    The guard growled out a warning , threatening the prisoners with his gun .

  26. 汽笛长吼了一声。

    The siren sounded loud and long .

  27. 这是网络礼仪大忌。大写字母表示你在大吼大叫。

    It 's a netiquette no-no. It means you 're yelling4 .

  28. 一只狐狸见状,便嘲笑起猎狗:“呵呵,真是个胆小鬼,竟然还敢追狮子,只要狮子一声吼,你可就落荒而逃了!”

    A fox , seeing him running away , jeered3 at him and said , " Ho ! Ho ! There goes the coward who chased a lion and ran away the moment the roared ! "

  29. 布莱克先生回来时,又热又累,他拖着脚步慢慢地走进屋子,看到妻子,他停住了脚步,生气地大声吼道:“你今天晚上要干什么去?

    When he arrived , he was hot and tired . He walked slowly into the house , saw his wife and stopped . Then he shouted angrily , " and what are you going to do this evening ? "

  30. 我完全不知道罗杰为什么对我对我大吼大叫。n.暗示

    I didn 't have a clue why Roger yelled at me . hint