
  • 网络howler
  1. 哈利看着他们惊恐的神色,又望望那只红信封。“什么是吼叫信?”他问。

    Harry looked from their petrified faces to the red envelope . " What 's a Howler ? " he said .

  2. 罗恩目瞪口呆地坐着,吼叫信自动撕成碎片。

    Ron sits stunned , and the Howler smashes itself into pieces .

  3. 罗恩没有笑,显然还在想着那封吼叫信。

    Ron didn 't smile . The Howler was obviously still on his mind .

  4. 吼叫信至少做了一件好事:赫敏似乎觉得他们已经受了足够的惩罚,现在她又像从前那样友好了。

    At least the howler had done one good thing : Hermione seemed to think they had now been punished enough and was being perfectly friendly again .

  5. 全礼堂的人都转过身来看是谁收到了吼叫信,罗恩缩在椅子里,只能看到一个通红的额头。

    People throughout the hall were swiveling around to see who had received the howler , and Ron sank Solow in his chair that only his crimson forehead could be seen .