
  • 网络VERNON;Raymond Vernon;R.Vernon
  1. 《哈利•波特》的作者J•K•罗琳最终曝出了为什么弗农姨夫如此讨厌这个外甥。

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finally revealed why Uncle Vernon hated his nephew so much 。

  2. 布朗大学的弗农•亨德森、亚当•斯德瑞亚德和大卫•威尔在一份新的工作报告中建议利用采自太空的数据来分析GDP的变化。

    In a new working paper , Vernon Henderson , Adam Storeygard and David Weil of Brown University suggest an alternative source of data : outer space .

  3. 现代国际领域产品生命周期研究&对弗农(Vernon)学说的一种拓展

    Modern Research on International Product Life Cycle

  4. 《哈利波特》的作者JK罗琳最终曝出了为什么弗农姨夫如此讨厌这个外甥。

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finally revealed why Uncle Vernon hated his nephew so much .

  5. 其中最为臭名昭著的案例是邻近弗农的另一座城市&贝尔市(Bell),该市的八名官员过着奢华的生活,非法征收高额税款,如今他们已被送上法庭。

    Most notorious was Bell , another of Vernon 's neighbours , where eight officials lived in remarkable style , levied illegally high taxes and are now on trial .

  6. 在某种意义上说,银行这个行业非常简单&正如大都市银行的创始人、亿万富翁弗农希尔(VernonHill)所述:我们吸纳存款,发放贷款。

    In one sense , the trade is very simple . As the founder , billionaire Vernon Hill , puts it : We take deposits and make loans .

  7. 在乔治·华盛顿(GeorgeWashington)的家弗农山庄(MountVernon),奴隶们被禁止养鸭子或鹅,一位来访者写道,于是鸡就成了“黑人获准拥有的唯一乐趣”。

    At George Washington 's home , Mount Vernon , slaves were forbidden to raise ducks or geese , making the chicken " the only pleasure allowed to Negroes , " one visitor noted .

  8. 经历是一位先行测试然后才授课峻厉西席。(英国作家弗农。L。)

    Expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first , the lesson afterwards . ( Law Vernon , British writer )

  9. 这个卖家据信可能是位名叫G·弗农先生的人,他通过住在明尼阿波利斯的艺术品商人汉密尔顿先生推销他的商品;在亚马逊上又与历史悠久的名家真迹企业EdBedrickAutographs合作。

    The seller is thought to be a Mr G Vernon , who is advertising his product via Mr Hamilton , an art dealer who lives in Minneapolis , and on Amazon with Ed Bedrick Autographs , a long-standing autographs business .

  10. 首先,加州多座城市&例如邻近弗农市的梅伍德市(Maywood),陷入了主要由经济衰退引发的财政困难之中。

    First , several Californian cities such as Vernon 's neighbour , Maywood ran into financial trouble largely caused by the recession .

  11. 在卢浮宫(Louvre)装饰艺术博物馆(MuseedesArtsDecoratifs)举办的德赖斯・范诺顿(DriesVanNoten)时装展开幕式,吸引了设计界偶像人物克劳德・蒙塔纳(ClaudeMontana)和情色珠宝设计师贝托尼・弗农(BetonyVernon)等名人。

    Chic-est Fete The opening of the Dries Van Noten exhibition at the Louvre 's Mus é e des Arts D é coratifs drew notables from design icon Claude Montana to erotic-jewelry designer Betony Vernon .

  12. 她在自己颇受欢迎网站Pottermore上揭示了究竟是什么使弗农讨厌哈利——是他对哈利父亲詹姆斯•波特的憎恨。

    Writing on her popular website Pottermore , the author has divulged what exactly provoked Vernon 's dislike of Harry - his hatred for his father , James Potter 。

  13. 她在自己颇受欢迎网站Pottermore上揭示了究竟是什么使弗农讨厌哈利是他对哈利父亲詹姆斯波特的憎恨。

    Writing on her popular website Pottermore , the author has divulged what exactly provoked Vernon 's dislike of Harry - his hatred for his father , James Potter .

  14. 请你在这张表上签个字,弗农姨父。

    Uncle vernon , I need you to sign this form .

  15. 这一法案恰好只影响到一座加州城市&弗农市。

    That happens to affect only one Californian city , Vernon .

  16. 弗农。德思礼先生在一家名叫格朗宁的公司做主管。

    Mr Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings .

  17. 弗农姨父一边开车,一边对佩妮姨妈抱怨。

    While he drove , Uncle Vernon complained to Aunt Petunia .

  18. 谁会给弗农姨父写一封有关他的信呢?

    Who would be writing to Uncle Vernon about him ?

  19. 弗农姨父差点撞到前面的车上。

    Uncle Vernon nearly crashed into the car in front .

  20. 在弗农街头,卡车看起来比轿车还要多。

    Lorries seem to outnumber cars on Vernon 's streets .

  21. 咱们给玛姬挂个电话吧。弗农姨父建议说。

    " We could phone Marge ," Uncle Vernon suggested .

  22. 他在弗农的背上拍了一下,走开了。

    He pats Vernon on the back and walks on .

  23. 不过对弗农市商界来说,撤市之举走得太远。

    But for Vernon 's businesses disincorporation is a step too far .

  24. 弗农姨父来到厨房时,哈利正在翻熏咸肉。

    Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen as Harry was turning over the bacon .

  25. 弗农医生对这一悲伤的消息反应平淡。

    Dr Vernon reacted calmly to the sad news .

  26. 弗农姨父膀大粳圆,没有脖子,蓄着异常浓密的大胡子;

    Uncle Vernon was large and neckless , with an enormous black mustache ;

  27. “我不认为那行得通,弗农。”

    ldquo ; I 'm not sure that 'll work , Vernon . "

  28. 你晚餐失约弗农已经到了

    You blew off dinner and Vernon 's here .

  29. 他正要上楼回房,弗农姨父真说话了。

    He was about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke .

  30. “住口!我警告你!”弗农姨父惊慌地大叫。

    " STOP ! I FORBID YOU !" yelled Uncle Vernon in panic .