
  • 网络Frith;fries;Friis
  1. 还合成了乙酰对甲酚酯并完成了它的弗里斯(Fries)重排反应。

    Otherwise we synthesize acetyl-4-methylphenyl ester and accomplished its Fries rearrangement reaction .

  2. 过去在这个通道里的人知道自己在做什么,现在排队的人不知道自己要做啥,弗里斯说。她在全球通关会员刚获准进入Precheck安检通道的时候注册加入了全球通关计划。

    ' We went from people who knew what they were doing to people in line who don 't know what they are doing , ' said Ms. Fries , who signed up for Global Entry to get Precheck when it first started .

  3. 同时也不负责iPhone和iPad的软件部门&这部分业务由斯科特•弗里斯托直接向乔布斯汇报。

    Or its iPhone and iPad software division & that was Scott forestall answering to jobs .

  4. 精神分析学家和欧洲工商管理学院(InseadBusinessSchool)教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德弗里斯(ManfredKetsdeVries)称:

    Manfred Kets de Vries , psychoanalyst and professor at Insead Business School , says :

  5. 弗里斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)的分析师詹姆斯·L·麦克奎维(JamesL.McQuivey)说,问题是,大多数智能手表都很笨重,一点也不人性化。

    The wrinkle , said James L. McQuivey , an analyst at Forrester Research , is that most smartwatches are clunky and impersonal .

  6. 果不其然,曾斯特姆和弗里斯最终同意接受新所有制结构中14%的股权,作为交换,他俩把所有的知识产权都还给了Skype。

    He assumed correctly : zennstr ö m and Friis accepted a 14 % stake in the new ownership structure in exchange for giving all the IP back to Skype .

  7. 不过,法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)商学院管理学教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德•弗里斯表示:高管的压力正在逐渐增加,这已经不再是秘密。

    But it is no secret that pressure on C-level executives is mounting , says Manfred kets de Vries , a management professor at INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau , France .

  8. 德克萨斯州科尔普斯克里斯蒂港(PortofCorpusChristi)财务总监丹尼斯•德弗里斯(DennisDeVries)表示,今年头11个月,经由该港出口至加拿大的美国原油已超过330万桶。

    More than 3.3m barrels of US crude have been exported to Canada from the Port of Corpus Christi in Texas in the 11 months to November , said Dennis DeVries , director of finance .

  9. 今天他本来可以在弗里斯诺过夜。

    Today , he could have stayed to overnight in Fresno .

  10. 弗里斯的语言学理论与口译原则

    Fries ' Theory of Language and the Basic Principles in Interpreting

  11. 弗里斯发行了一张有数万销量的通俗图片。

    Frith issued a popular print which sold in tens of thousands .

  12. 我很想知道,凯茨?德?弗里斯教授自己是不是感觉像个骗子。

    I wonder if Prof kets de Vries feels like a fake himself .

  13. 但是我们相信,在弗里斯比我们将见证革命性的一幕。

    But here in frisbie , we believe we 're part of a revolution .

  14. 弗里斯特调查公司预言到2003年这一数字将达到3万亿美元。

    Forrester predicts that by 2003 that figure could reach over $ 3 trillion .

  15. 贝克邀请罗恩杰弗里斯的项目,帮助制定和完善这些方法。

    Beck invited Ron Jeffries to the project to help develop and refine these methods .

  16. 在德弗里斯看来,大多数阿非利卡人认为,并没有“彩虹国度”这回事。

    According to de Vries , few Afrikaners believe in the " rainbow nation " .

  17. 在南非,德弗里斯见到了在交通灯前乞讨的阿非利卡人,无家可归、住在棚户区的阿非利卡人。

    De Vries found Afrikaners begging at traffic lights , and living as vagabonds in squatter camps .

  18. 但是弗里斯比太太说,作为蒂莫西的母亲,她不能坐视儿子死去。

    Frisby says that , as Timothy 's mother , she cannot sit by while her son dies .

  19. 他之前的两个领导人,肯尼斯雷和杰弗里斯吉林现在在得克萨斯州的休斯敦接受审讯。

    Its two former leaders , Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling , are currently on trial in Houston , Texas .

  20. 就在河边有一个游乐场,里面有旋转木马、环滑车和弗里斯转轮。

    There was a small fairground just by the river , with a carousel , a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel .

  21. 在澳大利亚珀斯,德弗里斯找到了一些庞大的阿非利卡家庭,在当地,有讲阿非利卡语的荷兰归正会为他们服务。

    In Perth in Australia , de Vries found whole extended families of Afrikaners , served by Dutch Reformed churches preaching in Afrikaans .

  22. 听录音,然后回答问题。弗里斯先生可以用分期付款方式购买电视机吗?如何操作呢?

    Listen to the tape then answer this question . Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments ? How does it work ?

  23. 而讽刺的是,弗里斯特说他之所以想卖掉那些股份,目的是为了避免利益冲突。

    Somewhat ironically , frist said that the reason he wanted to sell the shares was to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest .

  24. 但凯茨•德•弗里斯教授表示,沮丧往往会表现为一系列行为模式,反映出较深层次的心理不稳定。

    But according to Prof Kets de Vries , depressives tend to display a range of behaviour patterns that may reflect a deeper mental instability .

  25. 本文概述了弗里斯的语法理论,以期对美国结构主义有一个更为详细、全面的认识。

    This paper aims at presenting a survey of Fries'grammatical theory so that we can have a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of the American structuralism .

  26. 弗里斯比想,曾几何时,这样的话用亲切的法文向她表达的还完全是另一种感情。

    It was not very long ago , Frlbsby thought , that words had been addressed to her in that dear French language indicating a different sort of attachment .

  27. 比尔。弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大,他比乔也更为勤劳,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但乔的花园更富无情味。

    Bill Frith 's garden is larger than Joe ' s.Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables , but Joe 's garden is more interesting .

  28. “这是有趣的我只看到大自然可以做什么,说:”杰伊洛佩兹,36弗里斯科,对,因为通过巴克斯顿呼啸的风。

    " It 's interesting to me to just see what Mother Nature can do ," said Jay Lopez , 36 , of Frisco , as the wind howled through Buxton .

  29. 事实上,当年银湖合伙公司刚一提出收购要约,曾斯特姆和弗里斯就把参与交易的各方统统告上了法庭。

    In fact , the moment Silver Lake floated a buyout offer , zennstr ö m , a Swede , and Friis , a Dane , sued all the parties involved .

  30. 由威尔士卡迪夫大学的两位专家托尼“弗里斯和迈克”爱德蒙德领衔的研究小组在周四出版的《自然》杂志上公布了他们的研究成果。

    The researchers , led by Tony Freeth and Mike G.Edmunds , both of the University of Cardiff , Wales , are reporting the results of their study in Thursday 's issue of the journal Nature .